rip in piss bozo

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Where did the shooter go? Oh, sorry, officer, we all decided to take a short nap maybe ten seconds earlier.

What a bad day to be that guy 🥱


I wonder if this will have knock-on effects? For a long time CEOs have seemed untouchable. I wonder if this will embolden people to try and target *other* corporate bigwigs?

looks like he’s the chief executed officer now

A measly ten thousand dollar reward?? That wouldn’t even pay for an ER visit these days. They’d do better offering free lifetime healthcare- oh wait-

I’m reminded a little bit of Thatcher’s death in the UK.

People were so happy Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead made is to #2 in the charts.

I hope we never learn who did it

Oh sweet, are we finally doing the whole ‘eat the rich’ thing


Let me tell yall about this thing called jury nullification, basically a jury can find someone not guilty even if there is more than enough evidence to convict because they decided that in a particular case what happened was just fine.

Man i know the world is pretty bad sometimes and people aren’t really getting along because of politics and money but this is going too far, going so far as to murder him, that’s just wrong. No matter how much you disagree with people, the poor guy didn’t ask for this…

Pfft kidding of course he fucking asked for it, I can’t imagine how many people died because of being denied care, the greedy dipshit had it coming. Fuck him, glad this happened, and hopefully it happens to the next one too

Oh no. A CEO was killed. A rich, piece of shit CEO that actively sabotaged healthcare for millions of Americans was killed 😐

I would be utterly totally bummed if there were a wave of copycat attacks against say the CEO of CVS Healthcare David Joyner, the second largest Health insurance company.

I saw security footage of the shooting. The guy was super calm when his gun jammed and knew where the camera was to not show his face. I feel like this was a professional job

womp womp, hope they escape

I never knew how awful the US insurance industry is until I got my first job and lost my parent’s insurance.

Blue Cross Blue Shield told me to pick a doctor. I said okay can I have a list of doctors who will accept my plan?

Apparently such a list doesn’t exist. They give me a list of every doctor that accepts Blue Cross Blue Shield, and I had to call them until I found one that accepted my specific plan. A lot of them didn’t. It took me a full day.

I can totally understand what would drive someone to do this to the CEO of an insurance company.

thoughts and prayers but let’s remember not to politicize this issue. they’d have caught the guy if god had wanted them to. guess we’ll never know

Make ceos afraid again

🫡 they firebombed a Walmart

He brought it on himself tbh

I’ve been hoping for a long time something like this would happen, hope it scares the shit out of the rest of them.

I honestly believe that if you’re rich enough to ignore the law, you should fall outside its protection. Let his estate investigate at their expense.

when you make it impossible to take someone down in court, you can’t act surprised when people take drastic measures

Is it finally time to eat the rich? I’ve been so hungry lately.

On one hand, I’m surprised it happened (murders of people this rich feel like they should happen at the hands of snipers sitting on rooftops, not someone with a gun and a silencer that managed to get close enough), on the other, I’m surprised it doesn’t happen much more often.

Guys, guys, guys… if you’re smart enough to use a suppressor so you don’t immediately trigger dozens of 911 calls, WEAR SOME FUCKING GLOVES! Also, NEVER bring your phone or ANYTHING that can be traced back to you! Your phone tracks your location 100% of the time, even while “off” or in an area with “no service”. The shooter is going to be caught and found guilty.

Looks like he’s earned the Chief Executed Officer title

Guys, all of these jokes are just too soon! I mean, I’m sure this man is somewhere now, looking up at us while burning in a pot and being poked by demons, and feeling really sad about all the mean things you’re all saying!

They deny my hormone panel blood work every time I need it, so I have to pay $250 every time. It’s bullshit, I already pay them $300+ every month.

I was just daydreaming about this yesterday. Like, why aren’t the active shooter types targeting the C-suite instead of the schools?

MOAR of this, please.

Insert crabs dancing on beach gif here

Suspects include everyone who had a relative die from denied coverage claims.

Would not be shocked if this is carried out multiple times in multiple cities. There is a cruel greed that has become the over-riding motive for “non-coverage” coverage. The cruelty is made even more egregious with the wealth that health insurance executives have accumulated from all the premiums the now dead paid for what they thought would be coverage.

I suspect that health insurance companies will now shell out millions of dollars in security protection for their executives and further cut their customers’ coverage to pay for it, resulting in more preventable death, which will perpetuate the need for executive’s security, which will just be a ‘challenge accepted” situation for another assassin.

There’s always the chance that this wasn’t personal but part of a larger plan. I hope so. It’s high time the predatory class understood that they are mortal.


Hell yeah, we entering the age of Dragon Slaying?

Funny enough, United Healthcare’s stock is currently up 1.01%.

Capitalism really out here creating its own enemies. The fact that so many people could have a motive says everything about the system.

Love to see it

reward them for the world they created 🥰

My friend works for a British company that was organising several C-suite executives to attend the conference, and has suddenly found his array of tasks focused on organising this to be irrelevant. Going to be a much quieter back half of this week than he anticipated!

I am generally against celebrating death, on principle. Especially regarding people I don’t know.

That being said, my line is very much “this person acted with intent to cause harm to large amounts of people”, a line which I think has absolutely been crossed. He had it coming.

Woaw (based)

Ain’t gonna celebrate the death or anything, but like yeah, create a tremendously equal society and the desperate people at the bottom are gonna start doing desperate things to change their circumstances in life. That is one of the downsides of pursuing infinite money at the expense of the rest of society.

Oh no, consequences!


Oh noo, anyway

I do wonder what will happen to United Healthcare now that the CEO is dead. I imagine… not much, really, but if this does cause a bit of chaos I’m curious to see where it goes


Making it to where people can’t get the care they need and they could possibly die or life isn’t work living anymore without it is so funny to me. Ofc people will want to kill you if you do that. You literally gave them a reason to kill you, especially since they’ll likely die regardless of if they do or don’t kill you.

Like I gotta say, you did this to yourself

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