RIP to the one who introduced me to the game

By Coradam
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My grandfather passed away about a year ago at the age of 92 and I just happened to come across this photo which I believe was the last time he actually played before passing. 

He got into the game a couple years before me, back during RS Classic. I was introduced to the game when I was 10 or 11 while visiting his house. Ever since that day he’d always have something to show me on “the game” whenever I visited. 

His favorite thing to do was mining. So much where up until about 2010 he was in the top 10 for mining.

For a while back when EOC happened he got back into RS Classic. He was devastated when the servers were finally shut down. 

I tried getting him into OSRS when Classic shut down but he was in his late 80s and really didn’t want to start his account over again, so he ended up converting to RS3 but I still believe he was one of us at heart. 

There’s so much more I could say about him I just really wanted to put something to remember him by out there after coming across this picture. 

Halfway to 99!
Rest in peace you absolute legend ❤️

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See ya in Lumbridge brother✌️♥️

This posts reminds me of my dads friend bob. He was over one day and seen me playing and asked what it was so i told him “runescape” and he was hooked lol i remember his complaining about RFD and jad beating the brakes off him and just wanting the fire cape. Well when he passed away he gave me his log in and password and i still have his account. Its on rs3 now but thought about firing his old account up and finally getting that fire cape and quest cape for him. Thank you for reminding me of a fond memory 🫶🏼❤️

A champion. Rest in peace legend

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definitely one of us. RIP. getting back on the mining grind in his memory

I definitely didn’t expect this much support from the community! I’m going through all the comments bit by bit but just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for their condolences and kindness.

✊🏼 We accept him as one of us. Bro will always be in the heart of this community and has earned his standing as an official OSRS scaper.

RIP grandpa, may heaven be the no xp waste paradise that we all hope it is.

An absolute legend, so sorry for your loss

Sorry for your loss. Rip to a legendary scaper.

Not me tearing up in the gym… RIP to an OG!

Rip , may his tomb rest peacefully in amascut

A truly legendary ‘Scaper. I will pray for him at Hefin Cathedral, and mine some rocks in his honor.

rip pops. What a great story. Take care homie


Sorry OP. RIP


He just lost his HC status. He’s in the big Lumby in the sky

Sorry to hear that my friend. What a legend. RIP to him, and hopefully his memory lives on for a long long time.

Damn what an OG. RIP


RIP true gamer, one of us

If one of the last things I did was play some OSRS, I’d be happy with that.

o7 to a real OG. May he rest with the gods now.



What an absolute legend. Sorry for your loss.

His tombstone should have ” 99 / 2 = 92 ” on it. He’d know.

This must be one of the oldest if not the oldest RuneScape player, What was his IGN, should be a NPC put in the game somewhere in remembrance.

Im sorry for your loss. Sounds like a great relationship you had…

Lvl 92 is still great. Few of us get to lvl 100.

My grandma never introduced me to runescape, but she did introduce me to gaming in general. She was big into stuff like Final fantasy, Sims, all the pokemon games, and would try out new games that I was interested in.

Glad you shared your memory of him with us. Reminds me of our cool ass grandparents. I like to think they live on through our gaming experiences.

F for oldnite, see you in lumby friend

Pretty cool picture OP, your grandpa grandpapi would be proud of you. And it sucks they shut down the original servers that was unfortunate and we all lost.

Gotta respect the man even more since he was doing clan activities


Your grandfather was one we all wished we had. May he Rest In Peace.

My condolences good sir

Rest in power. GF king

RIP Legend

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