RIP to the Scarlett Johansson of presidents

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I think Jimmy would be okay with all of us laughing at this.


Scarlet Johansson’s multiverse origin story just dropped.

Tim Baltz

Dude some people just have the same face, I’ll bet they are distant relatives or something. I still remember seeing Jennifer Lawrence’s face on an Egyptian cabaret singer from the 1930’s.

This doesn’t bode well for her

Now we know who would play him for a Biopic


looks like the reddit founder

Just remember, every time you doubt yourself, Oprah Winfrey once flew a guest’s dog first class! Believe in your dreams, friends.

He reminds me of Prince Philip

I’m seeing Zach Braff

No SJ was the most JC of actresses

Jimmy Carter serving presidential looks and Marvel vibes at the same time

Why does Jimmy always have the “What the hell is that?!” expression on? Lol

mad respect

She can portray him in his biopic

Oh fuck I can’t unsee Jimmy Carter with tits now thanks a lot.


KG about to drink some Jimmy Carter bath water.

Wtf did you just do

As a dude… I kinda think he’s hotter between these pics.

That’s crazy, I said the exact same thing 5 days ago! 😭

Now Colin Jost is going to have to imagine having sex with Jimmy Carter. Again.

Guys, she’s 40. Like, she’s a millennial. She has at least one chronically online friend. There is no way ScarJo hasn’t seen this meme. And I think that’s beautiful. 

Lost in Inflation

Looks more like the French girl from Inglorious Bastards

She would love to play Jimmy Carter in a movie!

May they rest in peace, keep yourself informed from here forward.

[The Carter Administration: Myth and Reality
Noam Chomsky
Excerpted from Radical Priorities, 1981](

We’ll never see his kind again

She could play him in his biopic movie

I think he looks more like David Bowie in that photo
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I will never not unsee this

I didn’t realise Jimmy owned Reddit too

Yas Mr President?

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