Robbery without a gun

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Yeah, that and he’s an asshole.

Deny, defend, depose

That about sums it up. See – rich people deserve more money because they were born genetically superior and are used to having all their desires at their finger tips. Us poor folk are used to doing with out. We can’t expect our superiors to ‘give’ us money. It’s just common sense.

as long as fElon Musk spends his government subsidies on bribing republicans, yes he can steal retirement funds

Imagine working decades for your slice of the pie only for someone else to try and shrink it to crumbs. Wild

You better sit down. What if I told you 75 million Americans voted to forfeit their social security for said billionaires?

Do they want an uprising? Because this kind of shit is how you start one.

Throwing a decent chunk of the country into poverty for lower taxes because that first 2.2 trillion wasn’t enough

Maybe Elon will stroll into New York soon

South African billionaire *illegal immigrant.

I love this idea assuming we all get paid out equal to what we paid in plus interest minus any we have already received. That’s how it’s going to work right? Right???

Yes. Thats it.

The GOP refers to Social Security as an “entitlement” program, like it’s something we’re given because the government is generous, instead of something we were forced to pay into directly through payroll.

Even worse, the only reason it may be insolvent soon is not solely because more people are receiving it, but largely because administrations have borrowed from it to fund something else.

Fucking. Bullshit.

Yeah I’ve been paying into taxes, social security for 31 years. He’s a stupid pos who doesn’t understand our country or how the poors/middle class pay for life and don’t have a trust fund from their corrupt, greedy, mine owner who abused and exploited his workers. Musk needs to be deported already. I refuse to give up the money I’ve paid into these fucking programs.

You put into words what I been thinking for months

Religion fits in there somewhere

If social security is a scam as they say, everyone should get every dollar back.

as we saw this week with that heroic young man shooting down that murderer working at that health insurance company, people are fed up . I triple dare these Republicans to try and take away our Social Security, our Medicare and our Healthcare. kicking a hornets nest is a metaphor that doesn’t even begin to apply to the outrage that will occur should these Republicans overreach like this. The first shot in the class war was fired this week . We have many many more bullets.

She forgot to mention that ELON MUSK IS A CEO

It’s actually much worse than that. The billionaire only pays Social Security taxes on the first $200K (or so) of his yearly income. All the millions he makes above that are not taxed for social security! We could solve the problem of social security in one move but simply removing the income cap and forcing rich people to pay their fair share.

This happened because half of the population is below average in reading and comprehension

If it wasn’t so incredibly sad and terrible, it would be incredibly funny. I’d ask how we got here, but we all remember why.

America! Fuck yeah!

Classic case of: Fuck you I got mine

Over my and a lot of other dead bodies, I’m thinkin- Leon is an illegal immigrant and needs some deporting for trying to rob the American people.

It’s especially Rich because social security taxes are limited to the first $170,000 or so of in earnings. I think he’s a little above that don’t you?

Yep, no one voted for him.

I don’t know if it’s intentional, but she pretty much explained what Elon’s brother did to his staff too

And half the population is okay with getting bent over backwards. 🤨

Crazy right ????

That’s correct

And half gladly voted for it.

Guys had an expired green card for years. Over 10 I believe. Let’s follow his policy on immigration and kick him the fuck out.

If they cut social security, give em the ceo package

No, we pay in all that money so the generation BEFORE us can retire. Millennials and after were never going to see a penny of it. The SS fund is going to run out because people are living longer and longer and fewer and fewer young people are working.

I’m in NO way justifying the absolute fuckery behind musk, trump or P2025, I’m just saying the system was fucking broken, and nothing but a cash grab by an entitled generation to begin with. They didn’t save enough to retire on their own (I’m not either, shocker, I know) so they created a safety net for themselves by having taxes taken from their kids paychecks to fund their retirements.

It’s BS all the way down.

Basically yes.

The damage this asshole has done to South Africa is disgusting

They just want to steal it.

Why is this not a top post?
I know the answer.

He’s far from the only greedy meffer zillionaire who agrees with him.

There are lines the Republican Party would be fools to cross.

It’s absolutely crazy!!! A guy from South Africa who loves Putin.

Yeah pretty much.
Bunch of assholes voted for it, and we all get reamed

Fuck the muskrat

Fuck Apartheid Clyde

Yep, that’s about the gist of it.

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