Robin Williams and Chester Bennington were soul crushing

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Steve Irwin

Robin Williams was a big one for me. I always looked up to him. Anthony Bordain was soul crushing for me as well.

Brittany Murphy

Anthony Bourdain for me

Chester Bennington

Heath Ledger

Hereโ€™s the one for us older millennials.

Kurt Cobain.




None until Alex Trebek.


Kinda can’t believe that no one mentioned Anton Yelchin. He was so young and died so awfully, too

Survived freakin’ Cystic Fibrosis, was by all accounts a good dude and a VERY creative person, only to die in a freak accident — being pinned by his own car nonetheless.

David Bowie and Chadwick Bozeman.

Chris Cornell

Chris Farley

Maggie Smith
Alan Rickman
Leonard Nimoy
Sean Connery

Tom Petty. ๐Ÿ’”

Robin Williams and Betty White. I was almost hoping that woman would outlive all of us.

Bill Paxton

Chadwick Boseman and itโ€™s not even close. Iโ€™ve never felt so much for a stranger before his death

Norm Macdonald. I miss that ol chunk of coal every day. Genuinely. I can’t go a few hours without thinking of a norm bit.

He brought a lot of happiness to me throughout my whole life but in particular, when I wasn’t doing well, listening to hours of his interviews and podcast really helped me bounce back.

“Life’s the greatest gig in the world man, you get to go to Dennys, wear a hat, whatever you want to do”

In my old age I’m still not going to have recovered from Carrie Fisher.

Sir Terry Pratchett

Steve Irwin and Robin Williams

Michael Jackson

Matthew Perry

Not because I liked him, but because I grew up watching Friends and he was a familiar and consistent face for 10 years of my life.

And the way he died. Alone and depressed. One of my biggest fears.

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