Rudy Giuliani leaving court after being found in contempt.

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Is the old man losing his upper denture?

When will this lunatic be actually HELD?

Fat Gollum

He looks like he’s related to a super mutant from Fallout.

Most of humanity finds Igor in contempt too.

If you or I got found in contempt we would not be pictured leaving court.

If you saw him coming toward you in a dark alley you’d think that the devil sent him to get you.


Back to the sewers, Rat Man.

Can’t believe I used to respect that guy

Quite the ghoul.

Fucking Nosferatu

“Found in contempt”? Cool cool. Now do “Found in jail”.

Old age makes us all ugly, but that man is ugly internally.

So very very ugly.

Didn’t know they put the Penguin on trial

He looks just like his court portrait. 😊

“I would’ve gotten away with it too, if it wasn’t for that meddling judge!”

Edit: Accidentally a word.

How far the fall has been.


Yep, that’s contempt alright


This is the first time i ever saw his face why does lil bro look so mad HOLY i thought South Park was just making fun of him but he actually looks like a angry beaver XD

Everyone’s talking about Giuliani, but what about the cop who looks like Machete?

Isn’t there someone who can help this man meet his fate with grace…?

There’s something about the ‘rise’ of tRump and the fall of Guiliani that have a very weird resonance…something’s just ‘off’ in the world!

He’s a ghoul.

i make that same face when I’m rushing into the house to shit and the key wont turn

😂😂😂😂he is seriously melting down and I’m here for it


he reminds me of ms. finster so much

And still free

Wouldn’t it be nice if justice was served with these trump felons.

Damn… if he were sober and still a prosecutor, that would be a scary ****ing look.

Fortunately, he is now just a flunkie that Trump abandoned when G became inconvenient.

Did he find the precious?

Sorry judge, I just have resting contempt face.

I mean that DOES look contemptuous.

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