Running America like a business…

By zzill6
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Damn. I never thought of it that way. This is exactly it.

I’ve worked for a company gutted by a private equity firm and it was nearly as depressing as the state of the US is now. Plus I know the ending of the story. It’s not good.

There is a fundamental difference between business and politics that’s been eroded. Governments need money to function, but their directive is supposed to be prioritizing the population, not the economy. Businesses will do what they can for the economy, and government is intended to set the boundaries. But, with businesspeople in government, the boundaries are made much less protective of people.

I always want to know how “America should be run like a business” folks feel about their bosses. 

They are basically attempting to do a perestroika style theft by restructuring of the federal government.

First removing as much money and as many people as possible (regardless of if they are good or not), so that the services fall apart.

Second, when it inevitably fails, saying the government doesnt work and the private sector should step in.

Third, selling off government assetd and programs to the highest bidder, often their buddies or even themselves.

Fourth, jacking up prices so only the well off can afford the service, the only humans have money, a human without money doesnt exist in their eyes.

I am just shocked that the narrow republican congress is not only allowing this blatant theft, but also assisting by attempting to essentially cut off services for the poor and literally had it to the rich in the form of a tax cut.

Meanwhile the judiciary is currently too afraid to issue contempt of court charges for abrogating the lawful process, its going to have to go through courts theough the slow process otherwise.

People will die from this loss of poverty services, violence will inevitably start from it, especially if they are stupid enough to unplug social security. They are already attempting to shut down VA services

Countries are NOT businesses.

Every country gets a dictator eventually I guess it’s just our turn. 😳🤔🤷‍♂️🙋🏼‍♂️🙋🏻‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋🏻‍♂️🙋🏼‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋🏻‍♂️🙋🏼‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋🏼‍♂️🙋🏼‍♂️🙋‍♂️🤫🤪

trump is running the government like its one of his casinos, but speedrunning it

All the while maximizing shareholder profits

That awkward moment when the company you work for was a private equity and is currently being liquidated. 🙃

I guess elections do matter….

Sounds about right

bingo, if you know you know

So, insolvency is on the table?

As someone who has been through this a few times in my tech career, 100% yes.

Beautiful analogy

I never could even figure out what that means. “Run the country like a business”? So we’re employees now, or…? What do people mean when they say that?

The guy running it has how many bankruptcies?? 6. 7 ..?

Turn it into an LLC. Liquidate the liberals to Canada.

would you have preferred us to go public and get cellar boxed?

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