S. Korean president just got arrested following his coup attempt.

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Nice to see some presidents are held accountable.

Imagine that

and we get evidence published that a conviction would’ve been made if it wasn’t for winning the election. Section 3 of the 14th amendment made DT disqualified so WTF did this country come to..

Ya mean they didn’t screw around for four years until he got re-elected…what a concept

Too bad USA can’t be like South Korea

Must be nice to live in a functional country

Now that’s justice. No one above the law.

Hey Americans…pay attention

Fuck around and find out?

About damn time.

Do trump next!!

Must be fuckin nice

>After his speech, Mr. Trump returned to the White House and, at around 1:30 p.m., settled in the dining room off of the Oval Office. There, he watched television news coverage of events at the Capitol and reviewed Twitter on his phone. When the angry crowd advanced on the Capitol building and breached it at around 2:13 p.m., forcing the Senate to recess, several of Mr. Trump’s advisors rushed to the dining room and told him that a riot had started at the Capitol and that rioters were in the building. Over the course of the afternoon, they forcefully urged Mr. Trump to issue calming messages to his supporters. Mr. Trump resisted, repeatedly remarking that the people at the Capitol were angry because the election had been stolen.

>…Then, at 2:24 p.m., sitting alone, Mr. Trump issued a Tweet attacking Mr. Pence and fueling the riot: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set offacts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!” One minute later, the United States Secret Service was forced to evacuate Mr. Pence to a secure location at the Capitol. When an advisor at the White House learned this, he rushed to the dining room and informed Mr. Trump, who replied “So what?”

The picture of a man who would watch his country burn for not electing him.

Must be nice

See, murica? See how easy it is?

Do America next week!

Wow. They have more understanding of the rule of law than we do.

Nice to see that some countries still follow through with the “find out” phase

We could learn something from them, imagine actually arresting a president who broke the law by attempting a coup 🙄

That’s what happens in civilized countries.

That’s what I’m talking about! South Korea getting it done right!

One can only dream

Amazing isn’t it? That’s how a real democracy works. They lived for a long time under a dictatorship. they now truly value what they have.

I guess we morons here in America need to be taught a lesson yet again.

Showing us how it’s done. Props to South Korea, the 2025 standard bearers of democracy.

Must be nice to live somewhere that leaders are held accountable

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

It took quite some time. Wasn’t the attempt like a month ago? But better late than never. Trump needs to be next.

The US should take notes. This is what Trump should had happen to him on Jan 7th. Or those Felonies of his.

If only we had the same standards here , but no MAGA had to go a make America Stupid again.

So that’s what that (the actual rule of law) looks like…

This is how democracy is supposed to work.

Too bad we couldn’t do this to Trump.

America could never

Must be nice…

I thought you’re supposed to wait 4 years until your AG does nothing for the entire time.

Now show us how to make more Luigis…

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