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Part of a complete breakfast in Canada. We have some of the lowest D in the world.

Every. Damn. Year. Like, I know what’s coming, but somehow it’s still a surprise.

Seasonal Affective Disorder sucks, but the fact that some clinical scientist named getting depressed during certain parts of the year SAD is so funny to me.

January in Michigan: That time of year when you cut yourself just to see a color other than grey.

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Yup I’m feeling this especially with the political shit happening today

I’m the bf in this scenario.

I fucking hate this time of year.

My spouse is in this, and she doesn’t care.

It’s fitting that “the sun has abandoned us” comment is in grey.

Been taking vitamin d every day for two years straight. I live in the south where we get lots of sun and I’m outside most of the day every day.

I’m still depressed af

I spend the first half hour of the day staring at a [daylight lamp]( The best 60 Euros I’ve ever spent.

I used to be like this before my mom forced me to get vit D supplements and holy shit. Literal game changer

Me when I forget to take my happy pills (basic vitamin supplements)

Prostate cancer runs in my family. When I got a physical they ran blood and said I had low vitamin D. Doctor said to take supplements as it helps prevent prostate cancer. So, yeah take your Vitamin D.


I’m doing fine

This is me right now.

Too pissed off at the world to find where the D is.

Me, in the Southern hemisphere: 😎

I’m up around 45 something N latitude and my doc pushes the vitamin D supplements too. Godspeed.

Take heart in the temporary nature of this. Take those supplements.

Light boxes, maybe?

Same shit every year, only difference is a different Callander each time

Surely this comic’s depression doesn’t have anything to do with fighting online with strangers for no reason.

So funny!!






As a spaniard living in Germany this is mood… there is no Sun, no warmth and no hope. Just darkness, fog and the cold. I’m miserable but the thought of enjoying summer while my friends are complaining about the heat gives me hope 🙂

Meanwhile in Germany, 12°C and sunny skies. Autumn still going strong. Maybe loosing winter does have some upsides, no supplements required.

Until I die in the summer, but such is life.

Haha I have to take it year round because of my non-seasonal depression. My medicine works better with higher levels of vitamin D. I empathize with you SAD people. It sucks being depressed all the time, but I bet it sucks for you guys to be living life all normal and then BAM! Depression.

OH. is that what’s wrong with me? Guess I’ll run my ass down to the grocery store and get some vitamin D

Okay I’ve learned two things today:

Pizzacake apparently has a hot husband (or so she makes him appear) and Vitamin D works for seasonal depression?!?? Why didn’t my doctor ever tell me this?

you ok ~~Shen~~ Pizzacake?

Ahh I’m still sitting in bed at 15:30 and unable to bring myself to get up, and this reminded me why lmao

Sun comes up at 8:30, sets at 16:00. I work in an office without windows. I might get to see the sun for a couple hours on the weekend, assuming it isn’t overcast which given I live in the UK is not that likely.

It’s always weird to me when people say that SAD is just caused by Vit D deficiency, since I get seasonal depression in the summer 

Take it one day at the time guys. Summer is coming eventually

Same shit every year, only difference is a different Callander each time

Ooh, oh yeah, that reminds me…

Just remembered I need to take my vitamin D3, vitamin B12, and fish oil pills!

*depressed thumbs up*

ADHD doesn’t help. Not because it makes SAD worse or anything, it just means I forget to turn on the SAD light and take my supplements.

A combination of the early days of Covid and moving to the far north made me realize that I don’t actually need to see the sun for weeks on end and I find isolation weirdly relaxing.

I think I’d be a great candidate for a deep space mission. I’d be the one dude on the spaceship who doesn’t lose his mind and makes it all the way to the end.

I am not saying people should do this. I can only speak for myself.

I used to get SAD. Last year around August, Welbutron was added to my cacophony of meds. I haven’t experienced any depression since then. Even the unnoticeable level of depression I had always dealt with my entire life is gone.

I got bloodwork done during my annual checkup a few years back. My doctor said I had the lowest Vitamin D he’d ever seen. Now I take 4,000 units a day during the winter, and 2,000 during the summer.

I am SO feeling this comic 😆

I was really wishing for 2025 to never see another one of these comics again.

Is this the porn girl making comics about herself?

It’s only been winter for two weeks, this is too soon.

Dealing with SAD is just the worst thing about winter.

I don’t know what I have done to you Ellen to be called out like this.

No matter how many people I see people discuss it I still have no idea what the hell “seasonal depression” is..What do you mean a *time of year* is depressing you..I genuinely have to side with the boomers on this one. Maybe the sun is your best bet.

“uh… I have seasonal depression feel sorry for me”

I mean, seriously? Just wear a coat or something, pussy

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