Sad reality

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even crazier that she is only getting 5 mil but ABC has to pay him 16 for defamation.

not the whole country. 

Republicans. It’s republicans protecting their rapist. 

For all the both-siders, the Russian informant claiming to have info about Biden being dirty? He confessed he was lying about everything and Biden was clean. 

One small correction to the tweet: the president is ‘supposed’ to pay her 5 million dollars. I can tell you right now, she’s never seeing a cent of that money. Trump doesn’t pay his debts, not to people he likes or dislikes

Doesnt do anything more than dig that knife further in and make you feel even worse about the US… But hey, here we are

Sexually abusing her then defaming her about it. What a guy

Golly, I’m starting to wonder if maybe he’s not such a great fellow after all.

I genuinely hate seeing his rotting face.

Honestly, a perfect representation of modern day conservatives.

What a joke. They used to stand for something.

Role models for this circus

He’s not gonna pay her a dime of that 5 million. And nobody will do a thing about it

Well at least you can remove the “alleged” from his sexual abuse title. Go America

Part of me wishes we could just let MAGAs have their own separate country just to see how long they last

It’s sickening how asleep so many Americans are. Worried about the fucking price of eggs.

trump as horrible and disgusting as he is, he’s just a cog in the wheel…

what’s truly maddening and unnerving is trump has opened pandora’s box and given a voice and a platform to every corrupt politician to literally obliterate any and all rules, regulations and laws when it serves their purpose.

regulations on pardons tossed, and sold to the highest bidder, security clearances bipassed, emoluments clause gutted, subpoenas ignored, and the list goes on.

long after the maga movement lays dormant in a pile of dog sh¡t, the lingering smell will still have effects that will last an eternity.

I don’t wanna see any Magats call LGBT people “deviants” especially after supporting this rapist and many others who have done terrible things to women and children


If anyone fancies moving to Aotearoa New Zealand I really recommend it.

About time people realize how this country operates then these same hypocrites go to China and talk about fairness and honesty.

Yeah, fuck this country. Not to mention an insurrection like I guess that’s not a dealbreaker in this country.

He raped her. 100%.

Its absolutely mind-blowing how accountability still feels so rare at the highest levels. This shouldn’t be the norm in any country, but that 5 million? He can pay it without spending his own money and you know why

Elon about to cut that check for Trump with future taxpayer dollars that subsidize Tesla, SpaceX, X


Remember when Clinton had to be impeached and removed for getting a bj in the Oval Office? Look how far we’ve come! /s


He’s gonna use your tax money to pay her too.

Can we please just not call him president yet! Jeesh!!!

Hey Google, I’m what is the percentage of 5 million out of 4 billion…
OMG this alone is going to make him broke.

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