Sad story…

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When you’re young there’s also childlike whimsy. Everything feels special. As an adult, even if you have the time and a whole library to play, you don’t feel like playing.

Damn! I haven’t touched my PS5 in 3 months. The biggest culprit though is YT slop, it saps my free time like nothing.

Being rich:
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I am an adult with a lot of free time and a good PC. But my problem is that I have alternative ways to spend that free time.

Don’t have kids and you may have a small time frame to play

Good pc + a lot of free time = nothing play

The best advice I can give is, don’t have kids or have a girlfriend/boyfriend/husband/wife. And you’ll have more money and more free time to focus on gaming.

Is this a masturbation joke?

What about bad Pc and no free time?

If anything adult age has increased my free time. No school work for 2 hours every night after a full day of school, no parents dragging everywhere.

I get home from work, feed everyone and then can game until bed time all I want.

30s, no kids, good job, living with girlfriend who also games.

💪 💪

if this aint the damn truth!!!!!!!

That’s why i decided to become an adult student, now I have neither.

Perfectly balanced.

The old saying is that you have time and inclination in your youth, but no money. You have money and inclination in your prime, but no time. And you have time and money in retirement, but no inclination.

*I’m in the picture and I don’t like it.*

First thing I did when I hit full adulthood… I legit took out a loan, from a bank, and built a god tier monster. The tower itself was $5,000 after all the deals and with peripherals was pushing $7,000 total.

Nine years later and I am still using it… the hardest thing it has ran was Cyberpunk on release. Thousands and thousands of hours.

That’s why kids get consoles

being an adult sucks

Bought me a new pc to play BG3. End up not having time for that so starting civ6 again. 

Bro, I’m left-handed and this is spot on.

every time I stop to think about a game to play I end up doomscrolling youtube shorts :/


I am a cuda programmer and use my 4070 for both work and gaming at home office.

The home Lambo pc, work Yugo pc dichotomy is worse.

**Home PC**: Ryzen 7800x3D, 4080, 64 GB, multiple TB SSDs, 46″ widescreen monitor, mostly plays games from 2015 and browses reddit.

**Work PC**: Old Microsoft Surface tablet from 2018, 8 GB, locked down, 13″ screen, overheats when connected to external monitor, finicky keyboard and touchpad, used for critical work that hundreds of others depend upon.

Devoting all my Christmas, birthday gifts, side jobs, and allowance to building a PC put together a pretty sweet rig for me in 2001-2002. Didn’t hurt that PC component prices had plummeted between the late 90s and early 2k.

Athlon Thunderbird 1.2GHz, Radeon LE. Later upgraded to a Athlon 2500+ Barton and a Winfast GeForce 3 Ti200. That puppy overclocked up to just above GF3, and just below Ti500 numbers. Monitors were all hand me downs and used finds. Case? Cheap. RAM? Sufficient. PSU? Acceptable. Hard drive? Maxtor. Yes, every Maxtor drive failed within a short period of time.

I didnt have much else, but I had a gaming rig, damnit.

I sacrifice sleep

Adulthood with free time is called being childless. I did nothing but play videogames over christmas break and im 32

Dont worry when we retire we can….


Trying to figure out how this is a masturbation joke.

I have lots of free time and a monster rig but nothing interests me except 2 games, one of which is calculator graphics. Anyone else?

If I actually had access to the technology I have now when I was a teenager, it would have been the end of my social life permanently.

Ain’t that the truth…

Been a long time now but my dad gifted me some cash back in my 20s. Finally got to spring for a whole flight sim setup. TrackIR, quality joystick/throttle, rudder.

Had our first kid that year and time to play went *poof*. Now my kids play more than I do. Circle of life or something.

edit: and now I just plug in an Xbox controller and get a few runs in on Aerofly 4 now and then. It works well enough.

So we either donate our PCs to children or force them into labour so we can have some time off. I know which I’d pick lol

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