The secondary schools I’ve been to I can confirm this is accurate as I have basically been bullied out of both
1 month ago
Yup. Got bullied almost every day. Mainly by the same kid who never got in trouble. The first time I fought back, I got sent to the school counselor for a month.
1 month ago
Obviously it’s going to vary from school to school and bully to bully, but after many years I finally figured it out. The behavior they’re trying to correct with punishment is “bothering the staff.”
They’re not punishing the victim to keep the schools reputation, they’re punishing the victim so they stop bothering the teachers. If you punish the bully it will just cause *more* problems, because bullies are the kind to cause problems in retaliation and a lot of their parents are so checked out/delusional that they’ll also cause problems because there’s *no way* that little timmy could have done those horrible things they’re accusing them of.
But the victim? They won’t bother the teachers and it has to get *real* bad before they will involve their parents.
When I was in elementary I got bullied and it didn’t stop until until my dad made it more of a hassle to deal with *him* than to deal with the bully.
And this realization has actually made quite a few things easier in my life. I learned that sometimes you have to turn a “me” problem into a “you” problem to actually get problems resolved. If you’re having a problem with a company and they’re not fixing it like they should? Figure out how to make it more of a hassle to deal with you than to just fix the damned problem and Boom! Problem gets solved.
For example, when my father-in-law died a company kept bothering me about him. I told them he was dead, they asked for the death certificate, and I sent it. But they kept calling, kept asking for the death certificate, because there were lots of departments and it wasn’t getting to where it needed to go. I got fed up and and made it more of a hassle to deal with receiving the death certificate than to actually get it where it needed to go. My work had an e-fax program and you could schedule faxes in advance. So I faxed the death certificate. Every hour of every day for an entire weekend, from 5pm friday to 8am monday. Every single one with a cover sheet saying “I have sent this previously but you requested it again.”
Guess who finally got the damned death certificate. I guess they were worried I’d fax it more frequently and for longer and so actually fixed the problem.
Gotta turn a “me” problem into a “you” problem and magically the problem can be solved. It works.
1 month ago
Just wait until you get to university. They delete reports of rape to keep the school’s image positive. More money! All the while lying about your safety.
1 month ago
I still don’t get why my parents had to pay for half of a window because I was the one pushed in it and it broke. How tf was that my fault? “Oh you two were playing, bullshit”. Motherfuckers.
1 month ago
1. Don’t teach kids effective conflict resolution skills.
2. Don’t help kids who are being victimized.
3. Kid shoots up your school.
4. ???
5. Profit
1 month ago
1 month ago
every high school manhwa plot ever
1 month ago
Bro at my school there was a random fight between two girls and the girl being attacked got a concussion and multiple bruises and the attack only got suspended for like 3 days and the worst thing is that a kid recorded the fight and the principal yelled at the kid and told him to delete the video which got my school in a lot of trouble because obviously the kid didn’t delete the recording and it got used in a court case between the two families because the victims family obesely sued the attack’s family and they got like 180k or something around that amount
1 month ago
My son has been bullied at schools and they end up rewarding the bullies ( had confirmed with other parents that their kids were being bullied by the same student).
1 month ago
Schools don’t have a problem with bullying, they have a problem when you stand up for yourself.
1 month ago
“We also don’t want a student body that knows how to stand up for themselves”
1 month ago
Indeed, every school. Once i was at the principal for telling one teacher about the bullying. Principal told me to shut the fuck up, he will deal with it… spoiler alert he never did
1 month ago
They ended up transferring my son to a different school as their solution to “fix” the problem. . .
1 month ago
Teachers: “we don’t tolerate bullying”
Teachers: *bullies students*
1 month ago
It’s really bad when a member of faculty is the bully
1 month ago
I used to work for the public schools. This is a fact. This is also why I left. Oh, I got stories… very sad stories.
1 month ago
My son was bullied in *kindergarten* by a girl. She eventually escalated to punching my son in the eye and breaking his glasses. The school said there was nothing they could do because there was no proof of anything. The following year the school put cameras up watching the playground. Well this girl is now again in my son’s second grade class. I told him fighting back was the last resort and simply use his brain instead.
First week of school, they’re on the playground and this girl bum rushes my son. He merely side stepped her and she ran head first into a solid metal playground pole. She lied and said my son smashed her head into the pole. And of course her parents wanted my son *prosecuted* for the bullying.
My son told me what happened so my response was, “review the tapes.” We never heard about it from the school again and little miss bully was suspended for an entire week. She also got removed from my son’s class and put in another class.
1 month ago

1 month ago
school really be like “we have a zero-tolerance policy” but the only thing they zero-tolerate is accountability lmao
1 month ago
I got suspended by defending myself.
1 month ago
Which is why as soon as you slightly smell something like this you immediately tell the school that news outlets might be interested if they don’t intend to act about the bullying.
1 month ago
Also, victims who fight back will be punished…. severely.
1 month ago
And then they wonder why schoolshootings happen hmmmmmmmmmmm 🤔
1 month ago
Gosh I HATE this!
I was a bully victim in middle school, and I lashed out only ONCE in retaliation, and it wasn’t even beating someone up. All I did was throw his pencil case to the ground so that all his pens were scattered across the floor, and the teacher… guessed it! He reprimanded me for “using violence”. And when I said that I was basically bullied the entire three years, he shrugged it off and muttered something about “resolving conflict through discussion”, after I have been called the f-slur for three years, been fouled at sports and otherwise threatened if I don’t let them copy my homework.
Why I never said anything? Because I was basically just a hassle at home, a machine that when functioning well was alright, but woe to me if something went wrong or caused unnecessary stress or effort to resolve things…… so no, I never told my father nor my daycare mother (my mother died when I was 7 and my dad had to work so during the day I stayed with her since me and her daughter were childhood friends) what happened at school.
Teachers need to pay more attention to bullying, but the problem especially with school is that there are “sponsors” and “donors” who influence the principals and staff and threaten to cut funding…… this whole damn system’s broken way beyond repair….
1 month ago
Bro fucked up the template so bad 😭🙏
1 month ago
Get ready for the same shit in the workplace!
1 month ago
All i ever hear is school getting involved after the bullied student or their parents fought back. Never when the kids speak up and ask for help. 🙄🙄🙄😒😒😒
1 month ago
My stepson was choked from behind, all he did was back up rather fast and smash the attacker into a brick wall. They were both suspended for fighting. They wouldn’t even listen to reason when I asked them if I jump over this counter and start gouging out your eyeballs are we fighting ? They called security
1 month ago
One of my friends in high-school got suspended for slugging a guy who pulled a knife on him.
Knife guy received no punishment from the school.
1 month ago
Kids are cruel. That will never change.
1 month ago
Bully is also the star of our sports team! We can’t lose our rep and money they’ll bring in.
1 month ago
My school made me switch districts
To this day I feel a bit of resentment that parents didn’t push the admins at the school more to fix it , it was hell
1 month ago
I was never bullied in school, but I did experience the unjustness of my school’s bullshit policy. In the 3rd grade I was in the restroom when two other boys started arguing. That arguing escalated into pushing and hitting. When I tried to leave, the aggressor of the 2 boys decided to attack me as well, for some reason. He rushed me and knocked me to the ground. Fortunately, some teachers came in right then so I wasn’t hurt more, but the school in their infinite wisdom decided to punish me just as much as the 2 who had actually been fighting. We all got detention for a few days. My parents tried to fight back, but the school’s blanket policy of “No Fighting” did not allow any leeway.
1 month ago
So sad true
1 month ago
Ah yes, the old ‘silent treatment’ policy.
1 month ago
Never thought about it like this. Damn, it is true ;_;
1 month ago
And that’s how school shootings start. ☹️
1 month ago
True af
1 month ago
Why don’t they suspend bullies from the school everyone know the kids who are bullies
1 month ago
Lost judgement
1 month ago
The teachers were the bullies. They actually did things to the kids that violated community guidelines. Yes, seriously.
1 month ago
i will give any school administrator who says this points for honesty
1 month ago
And when the victims fight back, THEY’RE the ones who get punished
This ain’t a meme it’s pure facts I see no lies
The secondary schools I’ve been to I can confirm this is accurate as I have basically been bullied out of both
Yup. Got bullied almost every day. Mainly by the same kid who never got in trouble. The first time I fought back, I got sent to the school counselor for a month.
Obviously it’s going to vary from school to school and bully to bully, but after many years I finally figured it out. The behavior they’re trying to correct with punishment is “bothering the staff.”
They’re not punishing the victim to keep the schools reputation, they’re punishing the victim so they stop bothering the teachers. If you punish the bully it will just cause *more* problems, because bullies are the kind to cause problems in retaliation and a lot of their parents are so checked out/delusional that they’ll also cause problems because there’s *no way* that little timmy could have done those horrible things they’re accusing them of.
But the victim? They won’t bother the teachers and it has to get *real* bad before they will involve their parents.
When I was in elementary I got bullied and it didn’t stop until until my dad made it more of a hassle to deal with *him* than to deal with the bully.
And this realization has actually made quite a few things easier in my life. I learned that sometimes you have to turn a “me” problem into a “you” problem to actually get problems resolved. If you’re having a problem with a company and they’re not fixing it like they should? Figure out how to make it more of a hassle to deal with you than to just fix the damned problem and Boom! Problem gets solved.
For example, when my father-in-law died a company kept bothering me about him. I told them he was dead, they asked for the death certificate, and I sent it. But they kept calling, kept asking for the death certificate, because there were lots of departments and it wasn’t getting to where it needed to go. I got fed up and and made it more of a hassle to deal with receiving the death certificate than to actually get it where it needed to go. My work had an e-fax program and you could schedule faxes in advance. So I faxed the death certificate. Every hour of every day for an entire weekend, from 5pm friday to 8am monday. Every single one with a cover sheet saying “I have sent this previously but you requested it again.”
Guess who finally got the damned death certificate. I guess they were worried I’d fax it more frequently and for longer and so actually fixed the problem.
Gotta turn a “me” problem into a “you” problem and magically the problem can be solved. It works.
Just wait until you get to university. They delete reports of rape to keep the school’s image positive. More money! All the while lying about your safety.
I still don’t get why my parents had to pay for half of a window because I was the one pushed in it and it broke. How tf was that my fault? “Oh you two were playing, bullshit”. Motherfuckers.
1. Don’t teach kids effective conflict resolution skills.
2. Don’t help kids who are being victimized.
3. Kid shoots up your school.
4. ???
5. Profit
every high school manhwa plot ever
Bro at my school there was a random fight between two girls and the girl being attacked got a concussion and multiple bruises and the attack only got suspended for like 3 days and the worst thing is that a kid recorded the fight and the principal yelled at the kid and told him to delete the video which got my school in a lot of trouble because obviously the kid didn’t delete the recording and it got used in a court case between the two families because the victims family obesely sued the attack’s family and they got like 180k or something around that amount
My son has been bullied at schools and they end up rewarding the bullies ( had confirmed with other parents that their kids were being bullied by the same student).
Schools don’t have a problem with bullying, they have a problem when you stand up for yourself.
“We also don’t want a student body that knows how to stand up for themselves”
Indeed, every school. Once i was at the principal for telling one teacher about the bullying. Principal told me to shut the fuck up, he will deal with it… spoiler alert he never did
They ended up transferring my son to a different school as their solution to “fix” the problem. . .
Teachers: “we don’t tolerate bullying”
Teachers: *bullies students*
It’s really bad when a member of faculty is the bully
I used to work for the public schools. This is a fact. This is also why I left. Oh, I got stories… very sad stories.
My son was bullied in *kindergarten* by a girl. She eventually escalated to punching my son in the eye and breaking his glasses. The school said there was nothing they could do because there was no proof of anything. The following year the school put cameras up watching the playground. Well this girl is now again in my son’s second grade class. I told him fighting back was the last resort and simply use his brain instead.
First week of school, they’re on the playground and this girl bum rushes my son. He merely side stepped her and she ran head first into a solid metal playground pole. She lied and said my son smashed her head into the pole. And of course her parents wanted my son *prosecuted* for the bullying.
My son told me what happened so my response was, “review the tapes.” We never heard about it from the school again and little miss bully was suspended for an entire week. She also got removed from my son’s class and put in another class.

school really be like “we have a zero-tolerance policy” but the only thing they zero-tolerate is accountability lmao
I got suspended by defending myself.
Which is why as soon as you slightly smell something like this you immediately tell the school that news outlets might be interested if they don’t intend to act about the bullying.
Also, victims who fight back will be punished…. severely.
And then they wonder why schoolshootings happen hmmmmmmmmmmm 🤔
Gosh I HATE this!
I was a bully victim in middle school, and I lashed out only ONCE in retaliation, and it wasn’t even beating someone up. All I did was throw his pencil case to the ground so that all his pens were scattered across the floor, and the teacher… guessed it! He reprimanded me for “using violence”. And when I said that I was basically bullied the entire three years, he shrugged it off and muttered something about “resolving conflict through discussion”, after I have been called the f-slur for three years, been fouled at sports and otherwise threatened if I don’t let them copy my homework.
Why I never said anything? Because I was basically just a hassle at home, a machine that when functioning well was alright, but woe to me if something went wrong or caused unnecessary stress or effort to resolve things…… so no, I never told my father nor my daycare mother (my mother died when I was 7 and my dad had to work so during the day I stayed with her since me and her daughter were childhood friends) what happened at school.
Teachers need to pay more attention to bullying, but the problem especially with school is that there are “sponsors” and “donors” who influence the principals and staff and threaten to cut funding…… this whole damn system’s broken way beyond repair….
Bro fucked up the template so bad 😭🙏
Get ready for the same shit in the workplace!
All i ever hear is school getting involved after the bullied student or their parents fought back. Never when the kids speak up and ask for help. 🙄🙄🙄😒😒😒
My stepson was choked from behind, all he did was back up rather fast and smash the attacker into a brick wall. They were both suspended for fighting. They wouldn’t even listen to reason when I asked them if I jump over this counter and start gouging out your eyeballs are we fighting ? They called security
One of my friends in high-school got suspended for slugging a guy who pulled a knife on him.
Knife guy received no punishment from the school.
Kids are cruel. That will never change.
Bully is also the star of our sports team! We can’t lose our rep and money they’ll bring in.
My school made me switch districts
To this day I feel a bit of resentment that parents didn’t push the admins at the school more to fix it , it was hell
I was never bullied in school, but I did experience the unjustness of my school’s bullshit policy. In the 3rd grade I was in the restroom when two other boys started arguing. That arguing escalated into pushing and hitting. When I tried to leave, the aggressor of the 2 boys decided to attack me as well, for some reason. He rushed me and knocked me to the ground. Fortunately, some teachers came in right then so I wasn’t hurt more, but the school in their infinite wisdom decided to punish me just as much as the 2 who had actually been fighting. We all got detention for a few days. My parents tried to fight back, but the school’s blanket policy of “No Fighting” did not allow any leeway.
So sad true
Ah yes, the old ‘silent treatment’ policy.
Never thought about it like this. Damn, it is true ;_;
And that’s how school shootings start. ☹️
True af
Why don’t they suspend bullies from the school everyone know the kids who are bullies
Lost judgement
The teachers were the bullies. They actually did things to the kids that violated community guidelines. Yes, seriously.
i will give any school administrator who says this points for honesty
And when the victims fight back, THEY’RE the ones who get punished