Saddam Hussein’s golden AK-47

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Where is this? G W Bush’s den?

Remember unlocking this on Army of Two and thinking I felt like a complete and utter badass and it was the best game I’ve ever played

Saddam Hussein unlocked the golden camo by completing the challenges in Call Of Duty before the U.S. Army stole his legendary gun.



I’ve actually held that exact AK-47 during my first tour during the initial push. Funny thing is I know this AK is missing its original firing pin.

But it’s not an AK-47…

This MOD looks amazing

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Looks like I have something in common with sadam…

Where did this picture come from because that’s in a T.Secret facility as far as the last time I remember seeing it. Where cameras and phones aren’t allowed to be.

Why not the grip also wooden like handle or handle black like the grip? They look unmatching.

This the weapon of mass destruction they were talking about?

I thought I was in the Counter Strike sub and a new skin dropped

I have a wack story about a gold ak, and too bad, imma tell it. Seatbelts on, it’s longish.

Was on a truck driving lesson with an ex-military tank mechanic. We cruise out to a fully suburban neighborhood not far from my base (was Air force) and the guy says “do you want to see some cool tanks?, I have a friend nearby and we have to stop for a break” turns out he maintains them. Having only just met the guy I say sure let’s see these random tanks. What could go wrong.

Now I’m thinking this can’t be real, in this suburb?, but sure as shit when we arrive there are military vehicles parked everywhere. This family suburb is littered with Hummers and 2.5 ton trucks. Just quietly I’m think what the fuck is happening. I get to meet a civilian guy called Crown, he owns them all. The instructor says “Crown, I just want to show my mate your toys” Crown says “sure man here are the keys”. Behind his house is a field, big shed in the middle. Opened it and oh lordy it’s a tank. In the suburbs. With its main gun too.

The instructor jumps into this tank and gets me to do the same. So I’m playing with a tank, in a suburb, on the clock, with a man I don’t know, it’s like a free candy van for idiot men. I’m at it for a little when we decide to go see Crown again. Parked the tank and walked back to his house.

We sit down for tea and Crown slyly says “you wanna see something cool?” hell fuckin yeah I do, what’s cooler than a damn tank. He walks off and comes back with a fully gold plated AK-47, drum mag and a gold bayonet affixed. He just hands me this AK and says it’s not loaded. Ok boss. Tells me it was a gift from the Chinese government and the NZ government wants to take it from him. I’m sitting there just stunned, unable to grasp how I just fell into an actual IRL battlefield game lobby. We eventually leave and I am forced to exit this fever dream to go back to basic ass work.

I have photos with the gold AK and the tanks, I won’t post them but here’s a [news story]( the guy and his kit.

But where is the true gold, his romance novels?

Gold-plated I assume. Gold is a very soft metal, not ideal for firearms operating at high pressures.

+50 damage
-$100 per shot

I’ve walked by this case so many times in my last job.

Liberachi’s AK

Over 15 years ago I saw this at a museum in Australia. I wonder if it’s the same one or if there are multiple. I’ll post pics as a reply to this comment (please excuse the quality, as they were taken in a poorly lit room with my 2000s era camera and we were being rushed along).

Edit: Also, the stock is folded in my pic.


ngl that’s dope


Anyone know if Saddam H also had a golden Uzi? I keep thinking I saw it somewhere.


At least I have that pack of cards.

Didn’t even know he played cod

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