Safeguards were in place but..

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They’re all hypocrites. Actions speak louder than words. They say a lot of things, but when you look at their actions, you’d know exactly where they stand and who they truly are: spineless fucking hypocrites.

Just as a reminder, they [moved those docs back to Mar-a-Lago](

Safeguards are in place, they didn’t use them

Every single member of Trump’s vile administration deserves to rot in a prison cell for the rest of their miserable lives.

I’ve worked with TS info. The amount of “safeguards” is nauseating.

We don’t need more safeguards. They all, every single one in that group chat, need to be fired.

They voted for Trump because he’ll keep the scary brown people away.

The safeguard used to be an IQ above 70 and the tiniest amount of common sense. Since this isn’t a requirement for political office anymore I agree. We should hire some nanny’s and reduce screen time in favour of reading them a book every once in a while. Maybe make a book hour after diaper change.

Sizzle. Thank you BTC for keeping these stupid fks in check.

I’m still just trying to figure out why that toilet is so far from the wall.

You can take a shit and read some classified documents instead of using your phone to scroll Reddit

I don’t know if even 1 of them have security clearance! They waived background checks and clearance process immediately when he took office for his administration coming in, then they ya know fired a fuck ton of people including those that do clearance checks, which was already backed up YEARS

Clearly doesn’t give a shit

The safeguards have always been there, but the ass-wipes don’t give a shit about them.

Safeguards are already in place. This administration disregards them because they’re incompetent

Lawler is a particularly slimy worm.

Uhm so i Live under a rock, what happend?

Anyone who makes a single claim about caring about US security, and yet voted for Trump, is just another lying conservative. Around 150 million people qualified to be President of the United States, and conservatives went all-in on the guy who stole a bunch of our shit, tried to hide it, required the fucking FBI to serve warrants just to get some back, and then skipped out on all charges due to flagrant corruption.

Conservatives love anything that tears the United States down even more.

We’re past just implementing safeguards. Heads ought to roll from this. Every single leader in this chat should get canned full stop. There is no excuse. Any one of us that did even half these things would be fired immediately and probably even subject to prison time.

Biden literally fucked so bad with his classified documents situation the judge had to say he was too old to be trialed lmfao y’all will never win again

Approx. a decade ago, a presidential candidacy imploded using a coordinated, performative, non-stop attack by right wing news outlets on Hillary’s emails; packaged and distributed so successfully by the Trump republicans that they still refer to it, literally, today. Left to center/apolitical outlets dropped the ball.

Democrats: You couldn’t ask for a more perfect opportunity. Hell, the playbook has already been written.

Your move. America (and the rest of the world) is watching.

Is that Trump or Biden? It’s tough for me to tell they both had boxes of classified documents in their homes.

Buh-buh-buh Biden!

To be fair they’re ALL hypocrites. No matter what side of the aisle they’re on. Biden had boxes of shit he wasn’t supposed to in his garage.

The hypocrisy of complaining about this when you guys just controlled the judicial branch for 4 years is astounding lol. And you guys wonder why no one votes for you.


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