Saint Luigi of Mangione

By Rungnar
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Man… this must all be such a bizarre experience for his friends and family

Patron saint of the Denied

The sacred and the propane

The guy attempted to shoot Trump didn’t even get close to this level of attention. Your face your fate.

I hear the trumpet call of justice…oh, that’s Chuck[ Mangione](

Reddit having a normal one lol.

I understand his actions and sympathize with how insanely broken our healthcare system is, but r/pics has been so eye roll-inducing and cringey with this stuff lately

This is fantastic. lol.

I mean, he exercised his second amendment

Seeing this from Switzerland, I understand the hype over Luigi. He’s representative of angry people over a fucked up society. It he’s also a cold blood assassin. I don’t think glorifying him as a saint will resolve any problems. America should, imho, fix the « shoot first, talk after problem » and ask what a real democracy is.

Were there masses of people TERRIFIED in the streets? NO? THEN IT’S NOT TERRORISM!!!! They need to drop that charge.

Saint Luigi di Mangione sounds better, more fitting.

It’s a me Martyr-io

Historians are going to look back on this era and be so damn confused

The Karma farming stonks are skyrocketing.

Patron Saint of the Uncovered.

I wonder if he sees these in prison and knows the kind of support he has?

When is the shit going to stop.

You guys are fucking wild lmao

This getting a little weird


Never seen a bad picture of Luigi. Probably never will.

This sub is disgusting.


We’re not gonna survive, are we?

He should be wearing a mask! Otherwise it’s perfecto! Saint Luigi, patron saint of community defense.


I thought all you fuckers were euphoric atheists.

Holy Moses!

When I first joined Reddit, R/pics were images of mountain top sunsets, Obama waving to his fans utop a balcony, pictures of mothers holding their babies. Now it’s weird stuff like this that’s technically not even a physical photo. Its hella weird man

Reddit: There’s no God we hate religion. Also Reddit: OUR SAINT LUIGIIII WE LOVE YOUUUUUU!!!

Reddit doing Reddit things lol


His Royal Hotness

And they are gonna crucify him…..any guesses it happens on Xmas day. What a savior he has become.

That’s going on the wall.

America hasn’t been this unified since 9 11.

The exploited outnumber the exploiters by several orders of magnitude.

Good thing most of us are cowards 🙂

Revolutions have started and ended with death. If we make this act a significant one and use it to light a fire then it’s worth it. Don’t let others tell you death isn’t the answer because we’ve had people killed for the same exact thing and have been in history book.

Such a weird cult

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