Salma Hayek arrives at the Lethal Weapon 4 premiere, 10 of July of 1998.

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Dress designed by Dennis Reynolds

*Lethal Weapons

I met her once through work. She’s really pretty. I think I managed to get through the ordeal without babbling or saying anything stupid, purely professional. I also made sure to stare into her eyes, because I’m dumb and know my eyes would have wandered… I rarely get starstruck but she’s one of them.

Why is this video 40 minutes long

Sweet baby Jesus

She’s all that and a bag of chips all right.

That’s it, she’s going second on my list.

She was already first on my list but honestly she needs to be there twice.

Also my list is only 2 people long.

If you are gay, can look at her and still say “I’m gay” then you are definitely gay.



Who can say they didn’t zoom? I went in for seconds tbh

Oh lord


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That, my friends, is a 10.



What a goddess 😍


I’ll be in my bunk.

She is lovely on the outside but she also seems to be quite a lovely human. Also she has a great sense of humor. And she likes animals and I happen to be an animal so I have that going for me which is nice….

The mother of all side boobs , may they live forever in our hearts, amen


Edward Norton you fiend.


Tarantino you lucky mf

Good lawd!

That dress…


Jesus H

god damn she looks healthy!

Her in Dogma was just 👄👌

And she’s at least half a billionaire

Them thangs thangin’

What a glorious way to die

Now THAT is a titty

I’m never too old for this sh*t.

Jesus fucking Christ

One of the best, if not the best side boob pic in the history of the internet.

I though she was going to the Golden Globes Awards

She’s been top tier for decades.

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I swear this sub has just become a place to post old pictures of attractive celebrities, kinda like r/itap being flooded with pictures of “artistic” nudity

She is such a Huge Talent


I see only 2 lethal weapons!

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