Salt is life

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Sam perfectly embodies the essence of a hobbit. It’s the simple joys of life that make it meaningful and help resist the ring’s influence.

Naturally, he achieves this, and we should strive for the same

Yeah sam truly deserves recognition for prioritizing good food even in the most dire of situations

I always feel so bad for all three of them in this scene/moment. Takes the rabbits from gollum and “ruins” them by stewing them. Sets the pot to boil, then Sam and Frodo sneak off to spy on oliphants, and Farimir and crew show up and snag them.
Gollum got no raw and wriggling rabbits.
The duo got no stew. Unspoken tragedy of middle earth

You’d be amazed how much good a bit of salt does for you when you’re half starved and dehydrated and exhausted

The true Fellowship: Frodo, Sam, Gollum, and a pinch of salt

The unsung hero of Middle-earth and the culinary arts

I’m willing to bet the quest for the Silmaril was more dangerous.

I’ve never sat down and watched Lord of the Rings but I love Frodo so much. He’s so cool.

Sam is also a hero for carrying that heavy cast iron pot that far.

Yet another reason Samwise Gamgee is the best literary character of all time. Boy had his priorities straight.

Establish a positive mental attitude in a survival situation: salt, poe tay toes, brace of coneys

What on earth were they thinking letting a creature like smeagol tag along? Who looks at that and goes “yeah I trust him”


Actually salt is death. ☠️
And that’s why it tastes so good

Bri’ish people: *visible confusion*

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