Same guy who praised Daniel Penny

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“Your boos meaning nothing to me, I’ve seen what makes you cheer!”

The Right getting all holier than thou over this whole situation would be funny if it wasn’t so damn fucked. We had a brief moment of unity against a common enemy, but then they finally received their marching orders, and now it’s back to business as usual; claiming the “left” are murder-happy, violent psychos while ignoring that this was what their precious infallible immutable Second Amendment was built for.

“end wokeness” is a bootlicker for the billionaire class. Apparently it’s wOkE to dislike corporate executives that price gouge Americans and cause and excessive death rate.

I will never understand the right’s selective righteousness

Can’t take these idiot maga seriously. Most of these accounts are paid shills or disconnected. Republicans in America get shit on daily by health insurance companies too. Bankrupt and killed. Paid shill

From the supporters of Kyle Rittenhouse

On an ethical level, I am against murder, and I think what Luigi did was wrong. But you can’t make me feel sorry for that human piece of shit running a company that condemns people to die of treatable conditions for the sake of profit. He was evil and the world is better without him.

Imagine your only redeeming quality is you came in someone. No one even bothers to call Brian Thompson a “well respected guy and a great leader” because that’s not true.

Did nothing to him? Well they denied coverage for a necessary surgery and said that he wont be eligible until he was 40, so he has to live with crippling pain and suffering for 15 more years despite the fact that hes paid likely hundreds of thousands of dollars in premiums.

Says the dude who supports a guy who killed a homeless man on a train

Dads die everyday due to lack of care because of denial of health insurance. Where is your outrage for them?

This might blow a lot of lead poisoned, feeble boomer minds but we younger generations have no respect for this world and of course, we have no remorse when corrupt scumbags die lol deal with it

God twitter is such a cesspool. I’m glad people are calling him out, but one of the top comments is “You sounds like a Jew”. It’s insane just seeing rampant antisemitism everywhere on the platform. But I guess even his own Nazi fan base disagrees with him

They’re big fans of ignoring the “Legal” murders this CEO and hundreds like them have done/ continue to do. Maybe because they have 💰and see the rest of us as subhuman wage slaves?

Remember that the shareholders stepped over Brian’s dead body, had the meeting anyway and then replaced him days later.

That’s how scummy these people are. They didn’t give a shit about his life

Everyone keeps calling him a dad like it is noble. Anyone can be a dad, millions of them are shitty fathers. Being a father doesn’t make you the Pope. The truth is, him being a father is the ONLY positive quality about this man people can speak of

luigi’s smile makes me smile too (:

Daniel Penny wasn’t guilty tho. I know this is crazy for everyone on reddit to understand because the victim was a black guy

The ‘dad’ who he’s defending made billions by not only denying the health insurance of 100s of thousands of Americans a year (some of whom likely died from this) but also stole their money from them

Fuck off, don’t ever try to defend a billionaire who’d happily throw you into a pit of lava if it meant he could earn an extra $20

Same people who cheered Kyle Rittenhouse for killing 2 protesters “protecting someone else’s property” in a state that wasn’t his own with a gun he traveled with to kill are now wanting to say “look at how blood thirsty they are!” Fuck you! When Kyle goes to jail for his murders is when Luigi should. Fuck this rules for the shit. Kyle only killed 2 people of color or their allies, if Kyle has murdered on CEO he’d be in jail!

I mean you could definitely argue that he did something to Luigi.

Both sides’ opinions are idiots ngl. But the broke ass who defending health insurance companies more braindead.

The guy shows no remorse for killing the guy who was legally allowed to fuck up his life. Weird.

Saw someone say this already but it’s hilarious how the only redeeming quality this CEO seemed to have was he sired children? Something virtually everyone can do….

Luigi hasnt even been found guilty, ffs..

It’s the same way how those on the right got all self-righteous after the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando. They got to do the biggest virtue-signaling imaginable.

Don’t give them engagement on their platform. That is what they crave.

It’s funny that the only “redeeming” trait they have for him is that he’s a dad but they never even say he’s a good dad so what’s the point of even saying that?

Saying everyone you don’t like is a Nazi is almost as retarded as thinking it’s cool and masculine to use that bearded guy as a profile pic

getting Half the hearts the OP got isnt sending the message you think it sending LOL

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