Same place but different seasons (India)

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The name of place is parashar lake .

The pic unironically looks same as the Indian flag 🇮🇳
Saffron on the top, white with blue tint in that middle and green at the bottom

Finally a positive post about India

Parashar Lake. Tourist destination in Himachal Pradesh for trekking and temple visits.

wild. where in india is this?

The Martian

The Thing

The Hobbit

Top pic looks like somewhere in Mars.

We’re going to mars folks

Green is always the best


Yo I’ve seen this place in red dead redemption 2

Wow, the graphics for Surviving Mars are getting better and better.

Edoras slowly transitioning into Hobbiton.

*umm, that’s a pond Carl*


The top or the bottom picture has to be edited. It’s exactly the same, every single spot on the grass, the reflection on the lake, the angle, everything.

Thats near my college IIT Mandi

Mountain – Island – Forest

Seems slightly pornographic in it’s placement.

In the colors of the Indian flag too… Nicely done!

Okay? The seasons change……….not really that interesting.

Stardew Valley ahh seasonal changes

Same same same but different.

Wow, seasons, damn that’s interesting

The images feel edited

Edit: why am i downvoted? The top and bottom pictures are very clearly the same ones just edited to be diff colours. Just look at the clouds.

Why did you put the images in this order?


Seasons are interesting?

I disagree.

It seems like an area that is too clean, have Indians been prohibited from entering?

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