Same way how you’re killing the politics irl

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All this man ever does is kill the vibe.

He’s probably talking about Wolfenstein. He’s upset it’s about killing people similar to his “friends”.

“adding present-day political bullshit” = recognizing women and colored people are people.

So when I as a cis male play Skyrim as a female elf magician, what happens?

Don’t be a present-day political ghoul and maybe you wouldn’t have that problem. 🤷🏻‍♂️

I don’t know, making your character a non-binary elf seems creative to me. Also, I really don’t care about politics in video games as long as it’s a good game.

By this definition it means that any game that Elon participates in kills the vibe.

A social media platform where the owner’s political hypocrisy is forced on everyone and censures those he disagrees with, “kills the vibe”. And kills the platform’s market value too.


Paying someone to create an account for you then claiming it’s yours might be the most cringe shit this guy has done. And he’s the absolute Lord of cringe.

These are the people who think franchises like Halo are apolitical.

What he really means is it has politics he doesn’t like therfore it shouldn’t be allowed

By political bullshit he means being anything other than a Straigt white male character or a female that’s basically a pair of T&A

No it freaking doesn’t. I would love a game that let me solve this nations problems and heal the rifts. One where we can still coexist, we can make racism and disowning our children over stupid shit disappear. That’s a lovely escape from reality.

Also, Elon? Besides your cruelty to your own children and your selfishness, the vibe you put out is more “buzz killington” than “Tony stark.”

Fallout: War, brinksmanship, etc.
SimCity: Planning and zoning are necessary. Also nuclear bad, green energy good.
Starcraft 1: Power-hungry corrupt politicians are BAD.
Metroid series: Girls are badass too
Midseries Zelda: Princesses are people, too
Any Bioware: Are you even paying attention?
Metal Gear series
Age of Empires series
Civilization series
Deus Ex

It’s like Star Trek: he just didn’t notice it. I’d argue modern Trek the politics *differently*, but it’s definitely there. And not small or hidden.

Yes no politics in my Stellaris game

Actually Video games are an art medium and can be intended for a whole range of things. Pathologic for example isn’t an exciting alternate reality to have fun with your friends in, it’s a horrific and incredibly difficult nightmare but it’s still a great game. But I can’t expect the worlds biggest moron to understand that can I? It’s too much to ask of him.

So don’t fucking play games you consider “””woke””” you fucking chud? Do you want to kill the ability for people to make any sort of media that challenges your world view? Jesus christ. Its great how many people used to tell me about how great the free market is, and now seem to be angry at the free market for not mirroring their dumb shit biases.

Wonder how he feels about GTA, the biggest and most political game of all time.

Oh great, musk discovered gamer gate losers

Doesn’t this guy like Deus Ex? LMFAO

I’m honestly surprised how many conservatives love him. Isn’t it a power struggle every day? Seeing that skin tone but also knowing he is African American. Like, does their discrimination processor just fry like 13th & 14th gen Intels or what?

Uhh Metal Gear Solid was always a blast.

Video games are like books or movies.
As a developer, you do the fuck you want.

An exciting fantasy where only predetermined and acceptable storylines with fuckable waifu types and macho men are tolerated. Anything slightly different is “woke” whatever that means today.

he has no friends

Politics have almost always been in games sometimes it’s stuff that mirrors real world situations and sometimes it’s legit riffing on actual real world stuff. Some of the games they claim went “woke” literally had all of the same elements in previous entries that supposedly weren’t. If you haven’t noticed then you’ve probably haven’t actually been playing just like Elon.

Oh boy Elon another opportunity to keep your mouth shut lost

Games are “political” when a person of color or a woman have any sort of importance within a game’s narrative. A bit of a strawman yes, but that’s really all it seems to take for a game to be “political” nowadays from weirdos I’ve seen on twitter. If he can’t be immersed in a game because there are characters that, god forbid, doesn’t resemble him, sounds like a skill issue.

Just a reminder, one of Musk’s favorite video games is apparently Cyberpunk 2077. This is a game where early on you control the actions of an anti-corporation terrorist who proceeds to detonate a nuclear bomb inside a corporate headquarters. It’s overall very on the nose with it’s political messaging, as any work of cyberpunk media would be.

Judging by the photos it’s a shame he didn’t pay someone to attend the fallout tv series for him

Or buying a maxed out account/guild and claiming to b a founder.

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