Satire will soon become obsolete

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What do you mean there’s a fire sale on property…..

Aren’t landlords nearby already raising rent for houses out of the fire’s reach? I think I saw a few screenshots from flat offers here on reddit…

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When fire hit Hawaii, celebrities bought up all the land.

“Speculators” are already looking for vulture investing as well

Yeah it’s basically what disaster capitalism is. Insurance companies on all walks of life.

It’s hard to tell what’s real and what’s a joke these days.

they can only think in money unfortunatelyโ€ฆ

There’s a reason why The Onion has been pumping out headlines recently. Trying to get any laughs in before president musky and the orange turd make them obsolete again for 4 years

I have received several emails like โ€œOur thoughts are with you while you navigate this horrible tragedy. We hope you and your family are not currently on fire. Also our designer dog outfits are 10% off. Because you need a win right now.โ€

Some of Crassusโ€™ wealth was acquired conventionally, through slave trafficking, production from silver mines, and speculative real estate purchases. Crassus bought property that was confiscated in proscriptions and by notoriously purchasing burnt and collapsed buildings. Plutarch wrote that, observing how frequent such occurrences were, he bought slaves โ€œwho were architects and builders.โ€ When he had over 500 slaves, he bought houses that had burnt and the adjacent ones โ€œbecause their owners would let go at a trifling price.โ€ He bought โ€œthe largest part of Romeโ€ in this way,[8] buying them on the cheap and rebuilding them with slave labor.

So sad but true.

Jeff bezos will buy all the remainings, conscturct huge social tower and construct a ยซย anti-fire wallย ยป and rent the whole again with ยซย fire canโ€™t reach appartementย ยป

All small who the insurance wonโ€™t help, will see a budget win in that scenario. Better that than nothing.

And financially, Jeff B. could

Film it a movie. Free, amazing footage of Los Angeles on fire will look cool as hell in the next Hollywood blockbuster.

I think that’s the premise of “Fallout”. I’ve only watched the TV show.ย 

Reminds me of the last season of Brockmire. A chilling tale of our inevitable future thanks to capitalism.

Iโ€™m really sick of the uber-wealthy celebrities with numerous homes literally crying on social media about the one home they lost, which is fully covered by insurance. Some of those same celebrities have been cheering of the destruction of Gaza, which is not only man-made property destruction on a much larger scale, but includes a man/made famine and genocide of impoverished people.

Soon? Flat earthers, anti-vaxers, Trump.

Satire has been dead for years now.

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Itโ€™s happening with price gouging. Hereโ€™s the price change for 3452 maplewood

WIth all the funding that was purposefully kept from the firefighers, it’s costing those same people muchh, much, much, much more in damage costs.

I feel for the people who lost their homes.

Fuck the bourgeoisie though lmao. They can sleep in a hole in the ground on a rainy day for all I care.


Donโ€™t worry. Landlords are already raising their rents. Itโ€™s all under control. ๐Ÿ™„ /s

Lumber prices be like


Sociologists already a step ahead

Nero watching Los Angeles burn

privatize the firefighters and departments

Solid way to force the work from home people back into the office. Get rid of the home

Fun fact: Crassus owned the very first fire brigade in Rome and would let peopleโ€™s houses burn down if they refused to sell their property to him

I’ll sell you a lighter filled with some of the LA fire for 50 bucks

Those guys who own all the water will sell fire suppression to the local government … I guarantee it

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No worries, Blackrock will come in and buy all the land up for pennies on the dollar, then build apartments to rent.

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