Saw this and had to share. Solidarity forever ✊️

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The irony of using Vince McMahon…

Praying that as many Amazon workers at that location take part in the strike.

Amazon is giving Trump $1 million for his inauguration. How about giving to your employees instead!?!

what does the union say the rest of us should do to support? Shop elsewhere until the strike is over, just not during the strike, shop early instead, avoid certain products, etc?

If anyone needs a union it’s Amazon fulfillment workers. They’re running those warehouses like some kind of Triangle Shirtwaist facilities.

Idc how late my shit gets to me if they get a union

It took the power of collective bargaining to break the choke hold the robber barons had on the downtrodden labor force.

The same tools that worked at those mining camps could again work today. Why discourage anyone from trying to better themselves? If someone can flip Amazon I’m all for it.

When does the strike begin, and is it open-ended? Is there an address to send support $$?

Hell yes! We are working on it out in Amazon KCVG

If Amazon workers go on strike, can I donate money or something to help them out while they strike?

Amazon want’s fo FA? , FO time is right ….about………

This would be great!

Is this real? It doesn’t feel real.if it is, good luck workers!!
Hope Tesla is next!

Buy local until the strike is over.


My packages are gonna be late, but I can live with that. Good luck!

Vince was anti union and allegedly sexually abused an employee. Maybe there’s better memes out there.

Solidarity! If my Christmas gifts are late I don’t care. Workers forever!

Go for it!

Just in time for labor rights to be gutted by the incoming administration.

I wish them the best of luck, but worry that amazon is plenty large enough to just pull a walmart and shutter the facility immediately afterwards. Whatever costs are involved in relocating and setting up again would be viewed as preferable for the message that would send rather than letting the union gain a toehold.

I want my damn Amazon stuff….but I want them to be taken care of more ….

Bro has the lowest fucking hairline imaginable, for a white person

My package can wait.

I’m rooting for them!

OP better not have voted for Trump. otherwise what solidarity is he talking about? It’s rare, seemingly especially among union members

Jeff Bezos donated to Trump’s inauguration

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