Saw this couple taking a break from standing all day.

By DazUki
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Ha, thatโ€™s cool. Where is it?

I hope it lights up at night.

Why does only one of them get arms?

As far as i know, living in this city for almost my entire life, this is the only bench with an Art-installation(or hostile architecture/anti-homeless bench as some of you call it).

Why can’t just a weary couple of lightpoles just have a sitdown? Are you Anti-Lightpole Benches aswell?

The creativity of artists constantly astounds me

Thats at least the cutest anti-homeless bench I’ve seen. Almost art, but ifykyk

Hostile architecture with “heart”

They’re in Poleland. They’re Poleish.

He’s on a cushion cause she just pegged him

Love itโฃ๏ธ

Thatโ€™s nice

Lmao unfortunately redditors can’t look at a picture of a bench without chanting the ritual incantation “hOStILe arCHitEcTuRE!!!”

Those knees look painful

I love the little smiles


Many of you feel bad for this lamp. That is because you crazy. It has no feelings, and the new one is much better.

r/lampposts would love this

At the same time, night work is difficult

Cool where is this?

Reminds me of our drunken lampposts

Theyโ€™re drunk

They earned it.

Itโ€™s super adorable.

I want a Pixar movie about them

It as if the hopping lamp in Spirited Away found a mate.

And he said: โ€œI love lamp!โ€



That is so artistically clever! ๐Ÿ‘

This is lit

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