Saw this in an airport bathroom. Still unsure what the past pic is supposed to mean lol

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It’s a play on the word “changing”. Baby transformation station does have a nice ring to it though.

It changes the baby into a cat, duh

It’s a joke playing off the word ‘changing’. So instead of a station for changing a baby’s diaper, it’s showing you it’s a station for changing a baby into a cat. Place down baby, close station, baby changed into cat.

It’s a baby “changing” station, put your baby in and change it into a cat. Way better than a baby

Shut baby in changing station, baby transforms to cat! Win win!

Duh it’s a baby changing station.

The baby changes into a cat.

This is where you change your baby. Into something better.

Like a cat.


It’s a baby changing station.

The baby was changed. Into a cat.

The joke is that the parent is “changing” the baby into a cat, using the changing table as the door to a “magic box.”

Schrodinger’s changing table.

reminds me of r/ObviousPlant

What is what you don’t understand? It’s a “baby changing station”. You put a baby there and change it for a cat.

Pooping, selfish, expensive baby is now pooping, selfish expensive cat. Celebrate!

Schrödinger’s Cat. It’s alive!


Schrodinger’s baby…


Baby changes to cat, or possibly a lemur.

I’m not sure what you’re unsure about and what the past pic is

I mean you had to know it was a sticker placed over the normal instructions it’s not 1:1, right? You did know that right?


I’ll take a cat over a baby every day of the week.

I’m calling it now. Some dumbass is going to try and close it on their baby.

That’s transmutation magic brothers…

My wife and I joke abt this all the time. Change the baby? What should we change him into, a newt?

Step 1 place baby on table. Step 2. Smash baby Step 3. Yell abracadabra and open to find a cat. Don’t forget to say abracadabra, or you’ll just have a smashed baby.

It’s a sticker sold by the web store [LegBoot](

The premise is basically:

Place baby on table>close table>*magic happens*>open table>receive cat

Offer crotch goblin to Satan, receive cat.

Are you sure it ain’t some magic airport. Hogwarts probably or some shit like that?

That’s how the magic tric works.

You put a baby on the table, flip it up and back down and then Voila! a cat appear instead of the baby.

eye of beholder

Do you want cats? Because that’s how you get cats!


Beware of the squirrel.

It’s a joke about it literally changing the baby into something else.

A baby changeling station

Baby metamorphosis station

Ta daa!!!

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