Say something negative about this game

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It ends

The custom outfits making and saving option sucks ass.

No new content for story mode.

Sometimes you accidently say “Hello, mister.” with your gun.

Weapons being locked behind certain progression points is stupid. If I have money for a Mauser in chapter 2, let me buy it.

Not having my gun load-out when I get off of my horse. In the game’s defense, it only happens when I need them

Most RDO weapons and clothes can’t be used in story mode

Can’t pet cats

RDRO is fucking terrible

Let me have 10 horses at a time pls, I’m tryina live out my best horse girl life on RDR

The illusion of choice.

The gun grabbing system is terrible

This is more Rockstar in general it would seem, since GTAV is the same, but…

Not being able to run inside buildings/camp. Like why? Who thought that was necessary?

It doesn’t have Undead Nightmare unlike the first one .

Guarma being limited and not having mexico.

# Monsters on reddit ask me to say bad things about it.

In all honesty, playable John has Arthur’s body and it looks odd.


>!Losing Arthur!<


If you don’t mindlessly follow how the game wants you to play, it acts up functional wise

we can’t shoot the slut children of Saint Denis

Guarma really throws off the pacing of the story. It picks back up again in Chapter 6, but I really just do not understand how the script went in this direction. I try to finish it in one sitting if I can.

No stripclub


Hmm.. every open world game i play is now compared to a standard set 6 years ago.

And I haven’t come across a single open world game which comes even close to this game and it’s attention to details.

this is an unpopular opinion probably but imo it’s a good game just not an amazing prequel to the first game

Duels got worse if compared to RDR1 in my opinion

the fact that some of the physics in the game isn’t as good as rdr1

No undead nightmare

we still have no next gen PS5 version

I was forced to rescue Micah in chapter 2!

Only negative for me is that sometimes the controls are very glitchy and laggy like other Rockstar games. Other than that it’s perfect

Call to arms is half baked. It could have been amazing.

They should’ve pushed it back to get the MASSIVE amount of cut content into the game

Clothes options are ass

Extremely slow moving if you aren’t initially too invested. Requires a lot of commitment before the game really opens up for you.

Gameplay is pretty meh. Movement feels clunky and you have to position yourself perfectly to interact with some things.

Character inflation. Some characters felt unnecessary to the story minus the small parts they had. I don’t think you needed a gang with 20 something people for it to be just as good of a story.

No creativity allowed for the player to approach a mission in a different way, and most missions were typically the same thing. Many of them were to ‘grab ___ and go’ or ‘get in a gunfight and win’ or ‘grab ___ and try to go but get caught in a gunfight.’

Lack of Ambarino usage, which I felt was one of the more beautiful areas of the game.

Almost zero point in New Austin existing other than lore reasons

Law system needed a rework.

Arthur murdering all those people with the machine gun in the last train robbery makes no sense

The OP – “Well?”

Me – “I’m thinking…”

It ended before you knew it 😭

Micah not dying early and Thomas downes beating

You can’t own a wagon or stagecoach

Every good character dies

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