Scarface (2007-2021): The legendary lion who killed 400 hyenas, 130 rivals, battled hippos, drove out crocs, and died alone—a true king.

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Mated 120 times, fathered 52 cubs, opened chiropractor clinics for giraffes, and shot 4 poachers

400 hyenas is a suspiciously round number

Who counted

130 Rivals aka male lion cubs.

He does that, he’s a “True King”. I do that and it’s “Get out of the Zoo”.

Used more guns in the film though

So we’re just making shit up now?

“Every living creature on this Earth dies alone.”

He was the first lion to graduate from university too


anyone dumb enough to believe those numbers

But, but, but… He killed Mufasa!

Bet half of that never happened.

It’s true I was hyena #274.

Plot twist: Scarface got his scar from being bitch slapped by a lioness. He was just pussy whipped, not a killing machine.

Long live the king 🙌


“Say hello to my lil fur”


Who counted tho?

Take your inspiration…

Better one day as a lion, than a life as a lamb.

Fight! 🇨🇦

I like that he stopped at 400, nice round number


A true superhero.

Long. Live. The King.

They should have gotten him on the joe rogan experience

wasn’t this posted here yesterday

Why on earth would dying alone make someone a true king? Thats silly.

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