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Apparently women are actually really into hands instead

An ex partner of mine’s sister took great pride whilst drunk informing us that she gets turned on by the smell of her husband’s work boots after a long day

i’ve definitely heard women talk about being turned on by their So’s sweaty gym stuff, i think oop just hasn’t experience the whole spectrum of freaky

Wait till she finds out that’s simply not true.

Tbh my boyfriend smells the best after a long day of work and he’s all sweaty and I….I should go talk to him

…there absolutely are, and there are women with much weirder fetishes than someone’s natural scent

Less men are into that than you think. I’ve met just as many women who are into it or would admit it as I have men.

I, unfortunately, like men’s(clean) feet. Had the realization a little late in life, and honestly felt a bit pissed off, but it’s whatever now. Fetish level? No, but I appreciate nice feet the same way I appreciate nice legs or arms or hands.

An ex-gf of mine really really wanted to watch me shit…

That relationship did not last long.

r/letgirlshavesex would disagree

They just find different stuff to be turned on by in a guy. I’ve never looked at a woman’s arms thinking “damn look at those veins”, but a lot of women really like veins on the forearms of a man.

The real question is why *anyone* is into feet, socks, and dirty underwear. They’re the fringe

Y’all ever see that ad of men working hard in the field and then their sweaty clothes getting packaged and put in vending machines for japanese women to buy?

Farting is bigger than it should be

I can’t tell if men are more prone to bizarre fetishes or if women just suppress their fetishes more because they feel more pressured to sexual conformity.

I’m pretty active in fetish communities and they are mostly men. The few women get mobbed, and most of them are content creators with Only Fans. Since they’re so sought after and can monetize their content more easily.

Also while I’m thinking of it I’ve never heard of a lesbian bathhouse

I dated this woman who got turned on when i drank a cup of warm milk. Guess i was dating Ms.Homelander

I dated a girl who was obsessed with my arm bits and would lick and smell them all the time….I think they’re just not as openly gross about it as in asking 20 sumthins online to send them their armpit soaked tshirts

Am I gonna have to bring up the cum popsicles?

this is an objectively incorrect take

It’s a matter of looking at the source of the fetishes. For the men who are into that, it’s probably the closest they’ll get to touching a woman is sniffing her worn clothes.

Women might have as hard of a time as men finding a long term relationship that is healthy and satisfying, but they do not have the same issues that men do with getting laid when they want to. So if all they are seeking is a man’s touch, their only hurdle is slutshaming (which can be morphed into fetishes of its own).

I know at least one girl who is all about feet. She’s bi, and likes feet of both guys and girls. My ex used to steal my dirty gym shirts. Girls can be just as weird as guys.

Pretty sure it’s more of a cultural difference. Like, I think men generally view women as very constructed (makeup, clothing, hair all done to disguise a more natural appearance). And the efforts to control what men can see gives those things typically hidden a certain allure (so feet, dirty clothes, etc.). Same for when women ask why guys are attracted to pajamas and boy shorts but not $200 lingerie. And before modern fashion, there were similar kinks like women’s’ calves (which were always covered by long skirts).

By comparison, the women i’ve known who were attracted to sweaty men are less attracted to the sweat, and more to the idea of men who are working hard and are physically fit. So the smell evokes that mental image of a jacked-up man lifting heavy weights and accomplishing physical things.

I had a gal friend who would hug people hello and goodbye.

After a night of drinking, I was about to head out and she hugged me for like… A long time. I asked if she was okay and she said, “I just like your smell.”

Her BF gave the most tired sigh and said, “Babe, we’ve talked about this. Let him go.”

I feel like some women WOULD be, based on the idea of averages.

and I don’t get why y’all get turned on by dragons and faes and shit, but will absolutely trash someone for liking a 20 year old anime girl.

But yea, let’s not kink shame. Not cool.

This is anecdotal but I’ve heard from transmen that raising their testosterone levels actually changed how they experienced sexual desire. So hormones might be a partial reason as to why we see this difference between men and women. However, it likely also has to do with socialization and cultural expectations

i had an ex who so desperately wanted me to not shower after getting off work before we bang.

i never obliged this request because the rancidness of my balls after a 12 hour construction shift was not something i’d wish upon my worst enemy. even if someone *would* be into that, god forbid, i do not want anyone to know that i am capable of producing such foul odors.

im also someone who hates body odors and bodily fluids of any kind so i guess i just don’t understand people who get turned on by the smell of sweaty balls or crusty panties.

I know a girl who is attracted to a mans stinky arm pits. And I’ve been with a girl who didn’t want me to shower because she wanted to suck my sweaty balls.

Women are just as gross. They might not be as upfront about it.

Women are just quieter about it

Honestly, men are just more open about these kinds of fetishes, while women tend to be more lowkey.

I’ve dated some with some outlandish fetishes that got me questioning. This is coming from a person who generally is live/let live with some questioning fetishes as well.

I guarantee you there are

Women want nice things not the shit he tosses on the floor because he can’t be bothered with the basket.

People who think this have never seen women in fandom spaces

Or teratophiliacs.

Well it isn’t called 2 guys 1 cup now is it

weird guys like feet and armpits, weird girls like abuse and hideous monsters

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