Screw lock for PD240W usb type-c cable has returned.

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Close enough,
welcome back VGA❤️‍🩹

I found it so funny when I found out that the type C spec had provisions for screw retention

and even funnier when I looked more into it and saw there was not one, but 2 separate screw retention configurations outlined in the spec

for anyone wondering, the one in the picture is one, the 2nd one is a single screw on top of the connector instead of the sides, that’s what the other 2 screw holes are for (a single screw but 2 screw holes to alow for both orientations of the cable)

We all know which connector actually needs this…

I’d actually love this for egpus. It would take a lot of the strain off the port for the connection on handhelds and make it not accidentally slip out.

Id actually love this and wish it was more common. My 2080Ti has a VirtualLink connector on the back that I plug my VR headset into (just a fancy Type-C port basically) and the cable sometimes slips out when I wrap it up after a session. two year old type-C cable just doesnt have that grip strength anymore. would also help with taking stress off the plug

The more things change, the more they stay the same…

Long live D-Sub!!!

Does somebody know how I could replicate this for HDMI cables most of them are not nicely plugged in

Reject modernity, return to monke

Somehow VGA returned….

Is sending your PC flying across the room when you trip over the cable better than it coming unplugged?

It’s interesting to see a locking mechanism for the USB C. The Dualsense Edge has a locking mechanism which looks more elegant than this.

VGA 2 finally released! Can’t wait for PS/2-2 in the future.

power connections without positive lock do not spark joy in me 🙁

and, as others have mentioned, usb-c became the thing it swore to destroy by so many devices having *specific* usb-c ports for power VS data.

my 3d scanner uses a screw lock usb c, presumeably because disconenction would fuck it up somehow

I wish Display Port had it because this shit keeps falling out of my monitor socket and I had to bend the cable in a specific way so the tension from it keeps it up…

I find this really cool but personally I wouldn’t probably ever need a screwed solution. Pins which provide structural support would probably be ideal for the use-cases I imagine.

If something were to yank the cable and force the cable out, I’d probably want that rather than have all the devices thrown to the ground

Can’t wait to pull my whole cabinet while I fall from my chair

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While i do think a stronger retention-mechanism is needed for vital USB-C connections, i think the scre connection is one of the worst ways to handle it. They are an absolute pain in the ass to attach and detach, especially if it’s behind something like the back of your PC.

I’d much prefer something like the “Clip” lock that’s on DisplayPort plugs.

I’d rather have magnets instead of screws, but i guess screws is more secure for certain applications.

My phone type c port weakened and this would really save me a lot of trouble putting it in position

solid plugs are back baby!

I can understand not wanting a somewhat easily disconnectable plug with tiny pins that powers 240W to be a bit misaligned or accidentally unplugged during operations. It is just funny that the most open standard which can be used for pretty much anything needs to be screwed down and locked in place, removing every flexibility it has. It could just as well have been a barrel plug at this point.

Can you say Thunderbolt DAS?

I kinda wonder if this is just for a data center/enterprise use case..

We need those on 50 series power connectors. So they’re always seated properly

Wtf? 240 Watts? That sounds dangerous!

Should work for that 12V joke that NVIDIA put forth.

I have encountered exactly one faulty USB-C port and it’s that of my PCs mainboard, gotta insert it straight and leave it be. Like how are not more devices with USB-C prone to shorting or failing when inserting that connector, just slightly angled and the wrong pin touches another. The pins are somewhat receded, still a clever design.

Better than 12VHPWR

You aren’t going to find it on personal units. It’s for critical infrastructure.

How do we make BNC work with USB-C?

Ah yes, the good old sea anchor cable. Always a joy to extract from any restricted space.

Looks like a gimmick or something for servers. What’s the use case?

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