Screw you, centipedes are awesome!

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I like millipedes, they are generally slower and less scary looking. Centipedes all look like they will bite me if I look at them wrong

I feel bad hurting even mosquitos unless they are bothering me.
I dont understand what kind of person wants to kill insects or animals “for fun” or without particular reason.

Ofc I have slight trauma behind my stance as when I was a kid I sprayed anti insect spray on innocent bumblebee. Seeing it slowly die caused something to click in my head and never again after that I killed a thing unless it was necressary.

Have you ever seen a house centipede hiding on your inside shower curtain lol

There just scary I mean they got like 347 legs and they just crawlin up ur wall

I got bitten once by one of these suckers as a kid.

To this day I respect them.

But if theyā€™re in my house itā€™s a war declaration.

You don’t know the pure and unfiltered horror of having a centipede crawl on your leg while you’re taking a piss at the age of like 10.

I remember it like yesterday. It feels like a strand of hair at first until you look at your leg. That day, the loudest scream in the world was heard in my bathroom.

I love centipedes and I 100% agree; this meme made my day! šŸ˜Š

i like house centipede

house centipede eats the spider that want to eat me

The only awesome thing about centipedes is that they kill and eat other centipedes

Never trust an elf!!!!

Centipede sounds like a foot fetish thing.

If centipedes donā€™t want to be hated then they shouldā€™ve made themselves look like millipedes!

I like human centipede

That’s me with spiders, I really like these guys

Last time I left an insect alone, I felt it crawling across my leg in my sleep. Never again. Back outside where you belong.


Centipedes are literally thoughtless, vicious, and evil killing machines. They will fight and attack humans, causing scars and open wounds. Now imagine they were the size of a cat or dog, still cool? Just because you can cage them doesn’t make them a cool pet, they’d immediately eat or kill you if they could.

Hot take :-
Being scared of wasps is understandable
Being scared of centipedes is stupid

Regular centipedes, yes.

House centipedes, motherfucking hell no.

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