Scrub daddy: brand new vs 3 years of use

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That thing died 2 years ago

Scrub Daddy got a scrub divorce and now pays scrub child support and lives on scrub microwave dinners.

Three years is too long mate

3 years. Ok psycho.

You absolutely should not use the same sponge for 3 years, you are basically doing the opposite of cleaning your dishes at that point.  I am glad you have a new one.

🙂 🫠

3 years? Are you a bot? That’s what mine would look like after 3 weeks.

That is so disgusting…. You could have use it for one more year before replacing it. Think of the planet!


Hey @op, you should check out Swedish dish cloths. They’re like a sponge, can be washed in your washing machine, and are made of cellulose so they don’t leave microplastics everywhere.

Im ready for a new one after 3-4 months. They’re not that expensive and work far better when fresh

Should be like 3 months MAX, not 3 years.

Scrub Daddy to Ragged Daddy

Three years is too long buddy

Is this an anti meth ad? Cause it could be…

That is gross. Bacteria aside, you are coating everything in microplastics. They are meant to be thrown away when they look a little haggard; like 1% of the damage the one on the right incurred.

So, you used it twice a year?

Micro plastics straight into the water cycle. Yah!!


Bruh seen some things in 2024. I feel you scrub daddy. 

Are these worth purchasing?

Scrub Daddy on Meth. It’s a cautionary tale.

scrub grandpa

What do you use it for that it’s still so clean? Like… its destroyed but somehow perfect color

Scrub Daddy’s official account was goin nuts today before the TT ban. It was wild

In my house they look like that after 2 weeks then bin. I leave mine full of soap when it’s sitting doing nowt

And yet, he still smiles through the pain.

3 years? Mine look like that in a month.

you should replace your sponge every few months. that’s pretty gross to use the same one for 3 years

Bro they are like £2

You’re supposed to use this in the kitchen, not the bedroom.

That’s a Scrub Father

r/wellworn would like this

“Kill meee”

Jan 1st 2025 vs Jan 7th 2025

Dude these things cost like a dollar. Why the fuck are you using them for 3 years?

3 years?? That’s like 218 in Scrub years

Is this a new meme format a la mr incredible or hank Schrader

That daddy stuck around and didn’t leave for cigarettes.

Scrub daddy and scrub granddaddy👍🏻

Still goin,’ this asshole

Scrub Pappy


How?? You must not use it that often. It literally falls apart if you use it consistently after maybe 6 months or so.

Then again we don’t have a dishwasher..

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