Sean Connery just didn’t get it… I guess the drugs helped in the 70s

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Let the ring bearer deshide.

It was because of Zardoz that he implemented his rule that he had to “get” a script before he agreed to the film.

It was the realization that he just left one of his biggest post-Bond opportunities slip by that he decided to take on the next biggest fish that swam his way, regardless of whether or not he understood it. That next film was League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, which bombed so hard he decided to just give up on acting and retire.

Also fun fact, the guy who made Zardoz originally wanted to do a LotR adaptation, but the script he wrote for it was such an acid-trip of a film (which included a breakdancing Sauron at the Council of Rivendell) that it got shut down *hard*. Zardoz was his rebound film.

I actually like his acting but the the pieces moved perfectly with McKellen’s casting

“And you are…”

“Baggins. Bilbo Baggins. You?”

“Grey. Gandalf the Grey.”

Sauron speaks to you, his chosen ones. The gun is good, the penis is evil.

keep my zardoz out your fucking mouth!


This joke doesn’t work because Zardoz makes perfect sense.

Sean Connery gandalf with Nicholas Cage Aragorn. Imagine how different it could have been

Funny you should say, John Boorman (creator of Zardoz) claimed to have been inspired by Lord of the Rings.

Anyone else kinda glad he did?

Schmeagol ish followin ush for three daysh

Zardoz was pretty epic though.

“You think it’s good to scold Pippin?”

“Well every once in a while, ya give ’em a lil’ shlap…..”

In fairness, Sean Connery did very few “ensemble” parts which is what Gandalf is. He was a star. The star role he did instead was in “Finding Forester”. Signing on to TLOTR was committing to years – multiple movies – in New Zealand in a role that was not even the lead.

Some people have enough security built up that can do what they choose. He obviously had and did.

I know people who have passed on projects that would have made them millionaires because they did not want to have to spend that much time with one of the other people on that project. Some of whom have done so repeatedly. They knew that they were good enough at what they did that they would get another project. And they did.

Connery reads, “The gun is good.” Cracks a smile. “Darn tootin’ it is.”

Zardoz is a trip. I think conceptually, it’d be a decent film to remake… If anyone can figure out wtf it’s about.

He felt that the gun was good…

I think he must have a sub 90 IQ. Dude repeatedly doubles down on open hand slaps to women that want the last word when you’ve given it to her

To be fair, even John Boorman doesn’t understand Zardoz, and he wrote the thing. The 70s were a magical time for film-making.

Thank fuck.

Zardoz is 1% as complex as LotR is, and LotR is far from complex. 

I’m glad he turned it down.

Ironically the director of Zardoz was in talks with Tolken about making a LotR movie. This is the same director who made Point Blank, Excalibur, and Deliverance.

Burt Reynolds’s was originally to star in Zardoz. Which might of been fucking amazing! Especially if he did his notorious fourth wall breaking camera smile during some scenes.

Hell, better than all the actors playing a role they don’t understand for a paycheck; we suffer when we see the final product.

I think they meant that he turned down the role after they gave it to Ian McKellen

That’s ok. Ian fucking killed it

Zardoz was actually pretty easy. There’s nothing at all to get except a paycheck.

Shuck it, Shamwishe.

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