Sean O’Brien is a disgrace to the Teamsters and union men and women everywhere.

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Morgan freeman voice* “ Donald Trump did not grow wages nor did he improve working conditions.”

Trump is such a fucking clown. Dude looks like a mannequin at this point with all his makeup.

You just asked a guy who says he doesn’t pay overtime to help grow wages…

Yeah yeah yeah if trump has final say unions will get nothing

Fucking Traitorous.

Remember when Joe Biden saved the Teamsters pension fund? I do.

I feel like this is some kind of hustle.

Look this woman up. She’s a republican, but she’s been a pretty solid supporter of unions. She seems pretty centrist overall, and she does support the PRO Act, along with some other stuff on the labor wish list.

But I still don’t buy it. My guess is they’ll put her in charge of the DOL to distract from the fact that they’re going to destroy the NLRB. They can effectively prevent her from doing anything positive for unions, if indeed she stays true to her roots and tries to do some good; but then point to her when they get accused of being anti-union. All Trump has to do is appoint her, tout her pro-union bona fides, then go about destroying us like he was going to do anyway. Your insufferable Trumper co-worker will constantly use the fact that he appointed her as proof that he’s actually pro-union, ignoring any and all disastrous shit he pulls from then on. Once they hear the tidbits that validate their love for this turd, they stop paying attention, and he knows it. He can make this one move, and they’ll tune out everything that happens subsequently. Deviant brilliance.

I look at it this way. She’s probably the best pick trump would’ve made. She voted in favor of the pro act and is the daughter of a teamster.. whether she’s qualified.. idk?

I bet money over his feelings

Lori Chavez supported the PRO act at least.

I think what we’ll see is a division within organized labor, those that are willing to work with this administration will be rewarded, those unwilling will be destroyed.

Then those in the ruling class that control the vast wealth of this country will not be concerned with the possibility of organized labor opposition, because they will control the opposition.

For the majority of my life I thought the only movement that couldn’t be co-opted by the ruling class was organized labor, because unlike BLM, or LGBT, or whatever other cause that might create a disruption in the status quo, unionism couldn’t be adopted by the ruling class through corporate sponsorship.

Now I see my mistake, that it can and will be bought and sold to the highest bidder.

The only hope I have now is that things will get bad enough that the working class will join together like it did in the past with the bonus army, the knights of labor, the IWW, and form a decentralized, sectorial union that works for the interests of all working people.

He’s such a coward and terrible union leader, he congratulated a Republican for being nominated for labor secretary

I have a feeling his post will end up on r/agedlikemilk.

Call me crazy, but this seems like it has potential for backfire.

Gangster con men gotta stick together


We voted her out in November and she gets rewarded for being a loser.

What a joke

Regardless of who is President of the US or our unions, we have to organize more. The existential threat in Project 2025 has not been defeated.

America for the rich first

The unions gave blood for rights that extend past them, this man will give it away for free.

I’m ashamed for myself and the rest of the brothers and sisters. I’m not in a union at the moment but when I was I was in the Teamsters during the last time Jim Hoffa was president, and he sure as hell didn’t suck up to fascists.

So how do we get rid of this asshole?

He’s just trying to rub the belly. It won’t work, tigers don’t gaf you’re a belly rubber when they need a snack.

So the guy who is historically anti union gets union support??? Are we retarted??

The problem is that the type of person who votes trump is also the type of person who can’t admit fault. So despite him not doing shit for unions in his previous 4 years or his abysmal payment history for his own contracted workers, even as much as saying he does like unions on stage and hates paying overtime. Even this isn’t enough for them to be like “hey this isn’t going to benefit me. My buddies will think im ok with trans people exsiting if i dont vote for him.” Ahhh. It’s all insane. But they did a fantastic job tricking the dumbest among us. It’s a shame we will all suffer the consequences.

Fucking wow.

It’s about time for someone to wind up in the fill of a dam…..

Ok so the stuff about it not being an endorsement speaking at the RNC….

Fucking gross

Who did she rape to get a Cabinet Appointment?

Chavez-DeRemer is anti union, anti labor. wtf

The Boston Bootlicker

from jimmy hoffa to this nonsense. what the fuck happened to our country

A worthless “National Socialist” scab. Hope he dangles from a rooftop tbh

Trump is and never has cared about workers or put them first in anything.

There is an episode of ‘AlfTales’, (an animated show starring Alf from the 90s) episode where the villain is a caricature of Trump called ‘Tramp’ and the whole episode is about him being an evil factory owner that fucks over his employees over and over and over and can’t be trusted. It’s literally from the 90s.

A tree thanking a wildfire.

As a dues paying Teamster I cannot wait to vote against Sean O’Brien. He is an absolute disgrace to the IBT and deserves to be brought up in charges under the IBT constitution.

Dipshit needs fired

As a Teamster, this dude needs to go.

You either have to be corrupt down to the bone or an absolute fucking moron to think the guy who brags about not paying overtime is on the side of the workers

But if those prices of eggs goes down then it’ll all be worth it /s

I hope republicans fk over these teamsters and union members that turned their backs on democrats.

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