Season 1 is coming

By Kaniyuu
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Hawkeye makes me so pissed as a vanguard dude. He absolutely wins the matchup because his damage is so so much, it’s ridiculous.

Hela damage is a bit high but doesn’t piss me off as much as hawkeye, but her ultimate is stupid, there is no counterplay to it outside of strange shield and hiding behind a wall. She’s such a menace during overtime when people NEED to be on point.

I’m actually looking forward to the first patch so fucking much. It would most likely show balance team’s whole philosophy concidering they have a years of OW mistakes to learn from.

Bans were a perfect solution to opening up the meta but we really need to see where the things are going.

Sorry man but Black Widow absolutely needs something. She is so bad. I like playing her in pubs because I think she’s fun but she definitely needs a buff lol

Ah poor storm getting gutted between the beta and now. Never again to be useful.

If iron fist gets a buff imma jump out of a window

Even just a small Cap buff please ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

Iron Fist is fine. Please dun buff him

From support main who always have to 1v1 with Iron Fist at the backline

I think they need to get rid of the season wide boosts. Hawkeye and Hela having a 20% damage boost is insane and almost certainly the reason they feel so strong.

Give Wolverine self regen, it’s ridiculous that you have to find health packs when playing Wolverine. Feels like a 200+ years old Logan.

I don’t mind characters getting buffed, nerfed etc but for the love of god remove seasonal bonuses. No reason to have them in a competitive game or have them only enabled for quickplay.

Iron Fist will not get buffed. Heโ€™s about where he needs to be. People just finally figured out how to counter him.

And what in the world makes you think iron fist will get buffed? Are some of these players living in an alternate reality?

Iron First so irritating

Black Widow, sure. Iron Fist though, nah.

Just want a buff for racoon, his kit is good and heals are good enough but he’s really suck at damage compared to any other support. Make his heals better or just give him some damage to peel.

If black widow one shot…

It’s joever

There a lot of bronze in the comments section

They can fuck off if they nerf Hawkeye from being a one shot only to replace him with Widow. The game doesnโ€™t fucking well need that sort of character

Outside of the popular wants (Hela/Hawkeye), I just want more juice for Namor (turrets should be allowed when hes in his bubble) & Magik (fix the E hitbox, it’s way too narrow).

and for the love of god PLEASE fix hitboxes.

Why would they ever need to buff the damn monster than can punch out iron man while he’s flying?

unlikely that Iron Fist gets buffed tbh

I could easily see him being one of the first reworks, his only REAL weakness is that the crayon eaters heard he was overpowered on launch and all gravitated to him, but he has a long full immune, high damage output, and ability to just home to targets

the nerfs I’m expecting are Peni and Mantis, and the buffs I’m expecting are Storm and Widow

# bruh NERF ironfist. How tf he fllying better than storm???????????????

bigger font superior

Black widow? Who the hell is that? Is it that one character I saw once that has a slightly irritating ult and nothing else?

Isn’t iron fist gonna be nerfed next season? Since this season’s buff gives him 15% extra damage

It’s kinda crazy to think Scarlet Witch is going to get nerfed, he damage is kinda sad.

They need to buff Wolverine. More health, faster healing, a little more damage, something.

Or, since Wolverine always heals from his injuries, have a passive ability where he instantly revives. So, if he gets sniped by Hela, he instantly revives and keeps going. But then if heโ€™s killed again, he goes back to spawn point.

Give me the ability for my punches to travel further. Let their hit box expand HAHAAHA HAHAHAHAHAHA ILL BE UNSTOPABLE IN THE AIR

*proceeds to fly up to Ironman and beat the ever living shit out of him*

Are there new balance changes?

It would be great if they could address whatever has been suddenly causing so many issues for a lot of PC players before the pushing out a season. It’s happening regardless of manufacturer or machine strength and making the game nearly unplayable.

This update is going to be the most important update they will ever do. This patch will speak to us, as players, and we will see if the developers were listening to our feedback or if this is the OW team all over again.

This is their chance to show us competence and gain our trust. Itโ€™s their move, and everyoneโ€™s watching closely.

Hela’s gotten worse as people figured out how to murderdive her plus her numbers without the 20% bonus are laughable when you have such low ammo and your entire kit is auto attacks and a big ult people have started counterplaying correctly (very situationally powerful like overtime if your team isn’t dead lol)

Hawkeye’s entire kit is also his auto and ult but he’s more dangerous than her overall and is probably actually safer overall.

Ironfist already pubstomps and doesn’t need a buff. Black Widow definitely needs a buff.

The more I play this game, the more I realise that the characters are way more balanced than we originally thought. The seasonal buffs are an issue and maybe some slight tweaks but they’ve done a great job overall!

No way they buff iron fist

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