Seattle road sign last night shares American sentiment

By kebomim
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So, the US is against rampant capitalist CEOs, yet you reelect Trump.

It’s such a weird feeling when your inside thoughts start appearing on memes

The fire rises, brother.

Nothing will change if they are unafraid of the people they scam.

Class warfare, and Luigi mama’d the first mia.

Can we accept there are some CEOs that we are fine with? Arizona Tea, Costco, and Valve have little to worry about methinks.

One *fewer CEO

We can only hope that people get sick of being trampled by the rich enough to enact real changes in society for the betterment of all.


Just got my fb & ig permanently banned for sharing too many ceo killer memes. Said my account violates their policy against guns & drugs. Some bullshit

Don’t you threaten me with a good time

“American sentiment” does not support extrajudicial killings.

This isn’t the fucking Reign of Terror, Robespierre.

Love it. I will happily take a class war over a culture war any day.

Notice the topics in this thread start off with the usual Democrat vs. Republican banter.

Stay United stay strong! Don’t let the parties rip you apart! Keep the momentum going people. It’s us versus them, meaning not each other, but the ruling elite!

I love Seattle, I travel there for work 2 or 3 times a year and always this mix of ultra-rich and tons of homeless that just somehow works. It’s by far the most interesting city I have visited in my travel.

This is spectacular 🤩

The lawyers that defend the lies. Also an issue.

*One fewer CEO.

Culling the ultra-rich is not a pass for incorrect grammar.

Waiting for the next protest “Hey hey, ho ho, these ceos have got to go”


The ones who somehow legitimating this are sick.

where in seattle? is it still there?

Hey maybe instead of political assassinations maybe we could pass some laws

A reminder the default password on these boxes is : dot

Just swing open the panel, you’ll find a keyboard….

Just saying.

This is the exit for my apartment 😂

Love to see it. Can’t wait to see who falls next

So it’s open season on CEOs? Am I going to have to start wearing bulletproof armor to go to work in NYC? Murder is good now?

Fucking cringe to openly advocate for murder. Where does it start and where does it stop?

I guess we’re done with that whole “tone down the rhetoric” thingy. OK.

Stop pretending there aren’t millions of Americans who love millionaires and CEOs and would happily die defending the status quo. Luigi changed nothing.
(Signed, a guy who appreciates the effort but is old enough to believe nothing will ever change for the better)

Cringe. Luigi achieved nothing with his stupid act. Brian is replaceable and nothing will change.

It’s disgusting. People’s inspiration is some backshooter. He’s not a folk hero . The Lone Ranger never shot anyone in the back.

Yes the sentiment of ignorant dummies who don’t know when to use fewer instead of less.

The problem with US healthcare is not the people working for it, it is the terrible incentives created by the system we have.

This is sickening

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