Seattle stands with Ukraine.

By Alyssum
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I saw Z in Britain today, being treated with respect and as an ally. I’ve never been so disheartened by a POTUS as I was yesterday. He mocks every patriot I’ve ever known and worked with in failed states. He mocks everything I ever taught people in post-conflict countries, about America.

It’s time for those of use that have taken the oath, to make good on it.

I stand for Ukraine 🇺🇦

Put the fear back in Republicans by taking the house back April 1st:

**Gay Valimont for Congress** [](

**Josh Weil for Congress**: [](

**Postcards to Voters:** [](

Our city is great.

Great to see the American people come out and show support – this matters (love from the UK)

The orcas came to shore their support too.

Slava Ukraini!

Hells yes we do. Victory to Ukraine!

Putin is the enemy

As an aussie, seeing all this support for Zelensky is making me emotional. Keep it up world 🇺🇦


Bought some yellow and blue yarn to make hearts to pass out.

Between this and the protest and Bellevue, this has been good to see.

Hell yeah. There were a lot of Ukraine flags out today!

Yes! Ukraine deserves America’s support. Putin’s invasion was immoral. The Trump and Vance show yesterday was shameful.

This means so much to me.

Thank you everyone who had a part in any of this, including OP


I love Seattle and I will always stand for Ukraine. Proud to be a Washingtonian❤️🇺🇦

Don’t forget, individuals can support ukraine directly through their crowd funding site

How are you all finding out about protests?

We certainly do

I bought and wear often my Harley-Davidson Ukraine support Tshirt.

I love Washington state.

Damn, I wish I wasn’t traveling today, my ass would’ve been down there!



Is that a separate and dedicated cycling path. Incredible!

Stand with Ukraine here:

I’m here from /r/all, that new playscape looks freaking awesome

Makes me proud!

That’s amazing 🤩 does anyone know how to find out about these protests?

Go Seattle!

I loved my week in Seattle. ‘‘Twas amazing

I stand for peace

I can see them at the pier by Pikes Place. Wish I would have known about the protest.

How long is this going for? I want to drop by

Are they going to the front?

Honest question but what is the expected result here? Trump, Zelensky, and NATO want us out. Yes, this meeting SUCKED, and we all agree to that. But we need to revert back to why the meeting existed: Trump and Zelensky hopefully striking a deal. Let’s not mince words, point fingers, or devolve things. *That* is why they met this week.

Now, it crumbled to bits. But we have to go back to that. Ostracizing people, finger pointing folks that are *still Allies with each other* or doing this whole name calling the right thing, *does not yield results*. I’ve conversed with about a dozen folks in this topic now and nobody has a solution

Putin is not stopping unless he gets something. So what the fuck are we willing to give to make him stop? Enough with the cute names and the nastiness, it’s time for actual action and diplomacy. Protesting your government will not stop the fucking war overseas. We tried that with nam. Fuck, i personally tried that with Iraq/Afghanistan.


How about Seattle take care of its own first? You can begin with the homeless, vets and taking criminals off the street so it’s safe and fun to go there.

Btw the EU has put up less than half od what the U.S. has?

Yeah how about you guys go volunteer and serve at the front lines?

Then their state taxes can fund it. Not the federal taxes.

Then you tards need to go fight Russia. You are bitches.


You don’t ‘stand’ with Ukraine, you’re a keyboard warrior for Ukraine. If you want to stand with them, ship your ass off and pick up a rifle, or is that too much effort? Would it ruin your perfectly comfortable lifestyle? Awww

I stand for the people of ukraine who are being used as proxies. and i stand for anti war efforts

Don’t forget to send your thoughts and prayers.

Respectfully fuck Ukraine and the money we gave them

Seattle always has a protest.

Correction… 300 people stand with ukraine

Zelensky is looking for conscripts. Go volunteer.

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