Secretary of State Rubio looking uncomfortable during the Trump, Vance, and Zelenskyy spat.

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Well, that very public exchange didn’t make his job as Secretary of State any easier.

I can hope that level of discomfort penetrates his soul

Did he feel a twinge in the last four inches of his spine that remains? Must be hard being an administration puppet for a full 8 hour workday. Fortunately for him he sent his email for five things done to Elon before the deadline, so he will keep his job lmfao

The dynamic in this room was like my kitchen as a kid. The narcissistic parent and the golden child brow beating the scapegoat – and the invisible child looking for an escape and praying they’re not next.

resting sell-out face

Every single person who has ever agreed to work with Donald Trump ends up as a wraith of their former selves.

Fuck him. Spineless GOP assholes like Rubio, McConnell, Graham, Vance and many more are the reason this twice-impeached traitor is still even eligible for office and not in jail.

Fuck this guy anyway.


as well he should. everyone should be uncomfortable with what happened in there. fucking disgrace of a “president” and “vice president” we have.


He aligned with and supported him since the his campaign ended back before the 2016 election.

A friend has spent some time with Rubio and said, quote, “When he left the room we all laughed about how incredibly stupid he came off.” So I’m sure he’s uncomfortable, but he’s also a moron that is likely not fully grasping everything.

No backsies after selling your soul. Hell awaits, Marco.

Ralph Wiggum energy.

He’s one of the few people in this administration who’s not a complete moron and he realizes that in the next 20 years, no one is going to look back favorably on him for being a part of this

He actually knows what just happened. He’s just too weak to stand up and say it.

He looks like a kid who finally got invited to the grownups table, but the creepy uncles are drunk and angry again.

That face you make when you realize you’re going to take all the blame for this in the end.

Useless as tits on a bull.

This is what it looks like when you’ve sold your soul and are wondering if they have air conditioning in hell

I have never experienced second hand embarassment and pure hatred of trump and vance as I did watching and listening to them degrade another true President. I am thoroughly disgusted, embarassed and ashamed of my country. God help us.

Every person that sat in that room in silence is complicit in Trump and Vance’s actions

If Trump never existed, Rubio would be on Ukraine’s side. This is what selling your soul looks like.

Little Marco looking especially little as United States officially declares itself as the eighth Russian district.


The same look he had during the cabinet meeting yesterday. They all deserve each other. Question is, wtf did we do to deserve them?

Suck it little Marco. You made the deal with this sentient pile of steaming shit.

Please don’t say my name…

lol Marco is trying to blend into the couch Homer Simpson style

That was the most repulsive, disgraceful, and dangerous interaction I have ever witnessed on live TV.

I made this video years ago when I was disgusted with Russia. I felt heart broken for Ukraine. ESPECIALLY after seeing videos of war in farm fields that could just as easily be outside my bedroom window.

I share it again now in disgust with my own country and to show that the vast majority of Americans still support Ukraine!

Note, I have marked all other videos private in protest so only the Ukraine video is avaliable.

Vance is an embarrassment to himself and our country with his constant groveling and needing to get daddy Trump’s attention over President Musk. Same for Rubio, it seems

When you regret singing your soul over to the devil

I hope everyone in the United States feels just that, and maybe also understands what the fuck they did putting those clowns in the most powerful seat. Its not a game or TV show

I’ve never considered this a thought that would enter my brain, but Rubio is the smartest American in that room.

Like a child watching his parents argue

Dude shouldn’t just look uncomfortable but speak up.

Get that man a water!

He knows what JD’s done to that couch

Well he is “ little Marco “

Wuss. STAND UP AND SAY SOMETHING. Slouching down like a preteen watching his parents fight isn’t the way, Rubio!

Fuck Rubio the coward.  He’s the one guy in this administration who knows better, and he won’t say anything because he’s terrified of Trump.  Fuck him and all the other cowards.  

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