Security for Ben Shapiro at UCLA

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That backpack is massive

Is he in one of the backpacks?

Me walking up to my Spirit airlines flight with my “personal item”

Why is that backpack wearing a woman?

That’s gotta be cheap, right? Starting wage for a cop in L.A. is only $32/hr. There’s a dozen cops there, so the minimum comes out to $384/hr.

They’re all young rookies, right? Right!?

Tax payers money at work

What a waste of resources

That’s not his security, it’s his audience.

Hey remember when the UCLA rentacops and LAPD stood around laughing while a fascist mob attacked a peaceful protest in the middle of the night with fireworks, pepper spray, and metal pipes? And then came back the next night to attack the students themselves?

So is he there to debate some blue haired college freshmen and add another “DESTROYED BY FACTS AND LOGIC” video to YouTube? What an intellectual!

When your marketing strategy is not about attracting others, it’s about pissing them off.

who’s he afraid of? his fellow conservatives?

UCLA likes to LARP military style while shooting at unarmed protestors:

Look I think Ben Shapiro is a dishonest little bitch, but that doesn’t justify violence. Anyone should be allowed to speak about anything, no matter how offensive it is. You don’t win these battles with violence.

If you’ve got a small army of people following you at all times, are you really an “oppressed underdog” at that point?

Is he important enough to actually warrant all that?

I don’t like Ben Shapiro but its sad that we can’t have speakers we disagree with at universities without there being a threat of violence. Freedom of speech and thought are the cornerstones of a healthy democracy

Imagine being that hated.

“aLpHa MaLeS” lol

Crazy they’re treating right wing talking-heads like diplomats. He’s just some prick so overboard.

We, an institution of right wing authoritarianism, must defend this precious boy who defends our institution of right wing authoritarianism.

Wow, that many security personnel to so someone can exercise their first amendment rights. And all the people who don’t like him and don’t want to hear him will probably come and protest him.

When I graduated high school, Marsha Blackburn (yeah, that piece of shit) showed up to our award ceremony to speak. I don’t remember her having a small army for security. Maybe an aide or two. Admittedly, this was in a pre-Trump world and she didn’t seem as crazy as she does now, but that’s more security than most Congress people have for some spineless walking silica packet of a man.

A waste of California tax payers money.

Why do people even show up to his talks?

Folks on reddit are radicalised

It’s funny you guys are angry at the peaceful speaker and not the violent students that force this type of security 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

Am I the only one who thinks having a variety of ideas on college campuses is a good thing and worth fighting and paying for? I think his ideas are objectively bad, but college needs to be a place to work through these ideas before going out into the world. More of this is a good thing

It’s a shame that security is required. I, personally, can’t stand the man and what he represents, but free speech and decorum is still needed.

Ben is putting himself in harms way just to have a nonviolent discussion, why can’t our college kids express themselves with words instead of violence and death threats? If Ben Shapiro is wrong, he invites you to tell him in a public forum; who in politics will ever allow that? He wants to talk to people and explain his political points and American college students want to censor him

Did he get to meet mr feeney?

Christs sake lady its a body guard gig not a 3 day trip.

Looks like my backpack in 6th grade.

Ben Shapiro gets paid security so that he can debate college students and upload it on YouTube.

Her backpack has a backpack

It is sad that this much protection is needed. If you don’t like the message, attack the man’s ideas, not the man physically. 

Looks like my grade 2’s backpack full of toys she brings to school

Not 100% sure because the picture is kind of grainy, but I would be very willing to bet those backpacks are all jammers for small drones. It has a similar size and antenna profile to jammers we used in the Marines called the Modi. Not super surprising they’d be worried about drones at an event like that, but it is interesting they have so many of them. It also looks like there’s two different types of antennas in different bags, so they’re probably trying to catch a pretty wide band of frequencies. That’s honestly a lot of pretty high end tech, I wonder if they were worried about something specific

Ben is in that backpack, like Yoda and Luke

WTF? Are they carrying nuclear bombs in that backpack to be that big or what?

I guess y’all forget about the riots at Berkeley

Proof Ben Shapiro is important! /s

They got Mandalorian rocket backpacks.


As long as it is coming out of his speaking fee who gives a fuck.

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