Seemingly every song is about an ex boyfriend

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I feel the same way whenever I take a dump, almost every shit is about my ex food

Fr though the unoriginality is fucking exhausting. Like make something different for once

I mean so is a ton of music by male artists.

Don’t forget abt Sabrina

After a certain point, you should start to wonder if everyone else is not crazy and maybe you’re the problem?

For a second my brain read pop song as poop song.

Girls going their own way

And the songs about ex girlfriends are depressing and when the radio plays both back to back i imagine they were together.

With the brainwashed, NPC fan base.

it’s all the celebs seem to know it seems…

Love how the culture war morons have huffed copium for so long that they actually have to pretend that Taylor Swift’s break up songs having the tone that she, the singer, is better off without said ex is somehow unique to Taylor Swift and not %50 of every break up song ever.

The other 50% are about being sad/mad their ex is gone. That’s it, that’s the entire break up song genre and Taylor’s songs in no way buck that trend and aren’t a new phenomenon whatsoever.

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