Seen this on twitter, valid points

By CBD212
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They should also say we could have continuous lobbies like we used to. So you can chat and make friends with people again. Have small rivalries and things

I can’t remember the last match i had where half the lobby didn’t back out halfway through. The matchmaking is garbage. This game feels rigged and soulless.

More diverse weapon use? People used meta in xDefiant too.

95% of this subreddit would be crying if they took out sbmm.

Half the people complaining about SBMM have NO IDEA how much SBMM saves them from getting shit on.

After the first 3 points bro just started making shit up 😂

I mean, if people are so easy to forget, Activision/the devs literally did release a bunch of stats/research on their SBMM effects. They did find that without SBMM player retention was lower and with it, player retention is always much higher.

Even if we don’t like it, its clearly working well for the majority of people since Activision/the devs would have the numbers and considering their main priority is making the most money possible which correlates to making sure more people play/stay, I doubt sbmm negatively effects the game much.

Cod players are the only players that dont want to play vs their skill level and i dont understand why, if mm was truly random it would be chaos with the top 20% dominating every game with the lowest 20% just getting stomped. I agree with the notion that in cod your mmr jumps up and down too fast, meaning if you win 3 games in a row you get matched with semi pros lol while in other competitive games the sample size for sbmm is way bigger

Depends how good you are.. this is only valid for above average players. Worse players will no longer have any competitive games, they’ll just get stomped 24/7.

Lmao I swear you guys live in fairytale land. You just want to be the one that’s doing the stomping on worse players

I think SBMM might be better accepted in multiplayer if the team balancing was better. So many times I’ve seen an entire team with sub 1 e-d ratio and the entirety of the other team is pushing 2.

I dont understand doesnt the sbmm simply put good players against good players and bad against bad ? Just like every game does ? I feel like the only people complaining are good players that cant just stomp every lobby. It would be impossible to play for noobs if it was just completely random..

Don’t get rid of SBMM, just make it gradual instead of 2 extremes….

You are delusional if you think removing skill base matchmaking is a good thing

It only benefits the sweat lords.

Casuals would quit the game if sbm was removed.

So all that would be left is the sweats and a dead game. Not one of those points are true

as much as everyone hates sbmm, below average players would gett stomped every game and stop playing, which means they wont spend money in the store. SBMM will never leave.

Apparently research says otherwise. Believe me if they could keep your ass playing for longer? They would. This is the formula they’ve settled on being the optimal.

If you don’t like it… you could stop playing. All of us could. That would actually send a message. Then they would change it… but we wont and they wont and the cycle continues!

Last point is bogus as they’ve actually tested that, and people spent less time in game with loosened SBMM.

Literally, none of that would happen. Maybe faster matchmaking but thats it.

Yeah, no. That’s definitely not how that works, lol.

Majority of you guys are already and have for a long time been complaining about sweats in your games. Without sbmm and continuing lobbies, youd be getting absolutely stomped every game. I guess none of you played cod4-bo3? Give me no sbmm in pubs and im 1v6 dropping 200+ every game like the good ol days

Most these things are only true for people good at the game.

I think whatever theyre seeing on the backend is enough for them to not change it. The last bulletpoint is rlly what gets me cos if they didnt feel like the new system is better for retention they wouldnt be using it no? Thats their main objective. A lot of us would prefer this but theres enough randoms that dont go on reddit or share their opinion that play all day and probably kids yaknow and theyre like fk it well take it screw the original fanbase

Counterpart: – less money for activision

And that’s why kids, SBMM is going to stay

Activision has already stated that SBMM increases player retention. If you seriously think they want less players playing their game you are dumb. Xdefiant was so proud of their no SBMM but all it did was push away players and cause the game to die.

The last point is not a valid one.

SBMM increases playtime for the casuals who make up 90% of the playerbase. Thats why they keep using it even though all you hear is that it’s bad. The vocal minority doesn’t represent the whole. People always forget this.

And my low skill friends will still get stomped. Just like they have for the past 20 years. 😆

Unless it fixes lag, I don’t care tbh

I care most about the connection. My ping can be anywhere between 3-9 in the servers closest to me so it’s annoying when I’m placed in a match that pings over 30ms. I’d rather wait longer for a server close to me if it means I’ll be getting the full benefit of the internet connection I pay for.

I think people would still cry about getting stomped and running into sweats with SBMM off.

Yeah I can tell a no-lifer posted this. You’re forgetting a critical piece. It’s the low skill players leaving the lobbies when they get shit on, which would loop in a continuous lobby until, lo and behold, the lobby is full of sweats and then you’re right back where you started

The biggest problem with these points that they are in fact valid and sounds like common sense and majority of people would want this but like most gaming companies they don’t cater to the fan base or like common sense

Based on what?

*bring back the Christmas noobs* 

The AI currently working on the game will get to these points eventually

Let’s see what Xdefiant thinks

SBMM is just invisible Elo. You’re playing ranked with no rank.

Can we remove all the Fortnite like characters

XDefiant didn’t have SBMM and that turned out really well

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