Self affirmation

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This dude is so fucking annoying. It’s no wonder he can’t keep a woman.

I swear life has just been a very badly written movie lately

The phrasing “It’s time the world knew” as if he just revealed to the world that he is Batman. He’s so pathetic

Are we supposed to be proud of him for admitting it after having been outed by the internet?

Omg. The DEEP sense of shame and embarrassment I feel on his behalf is unbearable. In all my days I’ve never seen such a complete loser.

I’m confused — is El Musko now saying it’s ok to identify as someone that is not the identity you had at birth? That a person can simply choose an identity?

Do I need to add a /s ?

Is this a real tweet ?  

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doggone it

He says it thinking it makes him Iron Man when in reality he is Obadiah Stane.

I think he’s trying to be funny by sarcastically admitting he’s Dittman.

The problem is the “joke” falls flat when we all know Dittman is his alt.

what a dip shit!

Shitstain is going to have a lifethreatening overdose on whatever kind of synthetic shit he has been on the last few years, hopefully

Proof that money doesn’t make you happy nor a better person

It’s very brave to admit to something that everyone with a half a brain already knew.

The richest most powerful man in the world has to comment from a burner account about how great a father he is. Very stable genius we have here.

We are all screwed.

The fact the are women who laid up with this weirdo is wild as fuck.

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Elon posting

Who fucking cares?!
Get fucked you clown

No shit, Elmo.

He needs an intervention, he is not well

I literally can’t tell if any of the tweets from him are real or fake. They always seem fake because they’re always so dumb

“Elon is a father who gets lots of sex”
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Wasn’t Elon going off on one last year about bots and the reason you need to buy verification is so you know you’re talk to a real person?

How does he always make the cringiest choice?

I feel like if Adrian ISN’T Elon, that’s even more sad. I could get that a douche ego maniac made an alternate account to blow himself.

The fact that it might be a living breathing “man” so eager to have Musk jizz on his face is even more frightening.

This is not a mentally stable/well person. Loads of insecurities. If he spends so much time on anonymous alt accounts it’s amazing he gets anything done in the day.

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Is he okay?

You know, this is going to make a GREAT movie someday. I’m not even being sarcastic. Think The Big Short. Or even Citizen Kane. Between Elmo and Fatso, my jaw drops on a daily basis. The movie is gonna be boffo, but we’re going to have to suffer this buffoonery for a few more years, sadly.

I’m so fucking sick of this fucker.

Who didn’t know?

Everyone already knew this. Rocket man was just too high on Ketamine to realize…

Roy Cohn playbook. Just admit it publicly. Controversy will go away because the media will have nothing to print.

Barron/Dittman 2028

Fucker, the world already knew. You got caught jerking yourself off in public and now you’re pretending it was intentional all along.

He’s a really weird dude. Like really really weird

What is sad about this is that not one person in life would genuinely say this about him, so he has to say it about himself. On the public forum, no less. Musk has no love in his life. Not one person truly cares or views him with any sort of positiivity. He may very be the loneliest person on earth.

Not that I feel sorry for him since he exploits us all for profit. But one could view his situation as the universe balancing itself. To obtain such a fortune comes at a cost…the cost of never achieving true and geunine human connection for the rest of his life.

Now that,… is poetic justice.

Edit – Clarity

Is this small boy Grime’s child that she hasn’t been able to see for 5 months because Elon won’t let her?

Imagine being the richest man in the world and still being the biggest loser to ever live. What a fucking tool.

It’s like he was caught masturbating in public.
“No, I wasn’t!”

“What if someone was to stroke me? Is that so bad?”

“There should be more self-love in the world.”

“Behold! I was stroking myself the whole time!”

Do you think in his head he thought this statement would be like the end of Iron Man?

What a fucking loser.


“It’s time the world knew.” … The world knew from the beginning, fucking cringe lord

We know

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