Senate Confirms Project 2025 Architect Vought

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His name is literally that of an evil corporation.

Next up: new Attorney General is Max Luthor,
With the Secretary of State being James Wayland-Utani

Oh wow who saw this comingโ€ฝ

Oh don’t worry, he only architected it, that doesn’t mean he plans on acting on it.

I canโ€™t tell you the number of times I was told Project 2025 was liberal propaganda and pushed by the Democrats.

Straight out of the boys, itโ€™s insane that the stuff in that show doesnโ€™t even seem outrageous anymore. Reality is an awful parody now and itโ€™s so damn depressing

Please start using your second amendment rights

Remember Trump saying he doesnโ€™t know anything about Project 2025 ๐Ÿ˜‚


This is so exhausting

When is the US going to learn that everything MAGA says is a barefaced lie?

Anyone who didn’t see this coming was either not paying attention, or retarded. The country has literally been sold to a cabal of billionaires and religious extremists.

This man just looks evil. Look at that national socialist smile.

People got fearmongered then fearmongered themselves and now the fear is real.

This fucking creep shouldn’t be anywhere near power. Another alcoholic running the liquor store.

The right has made the term “deep state” evil. It sounds like a plot to a spy novel. I wonder how many people know what the “deep state” really is. Kash P. another possible dropped ball installed as FBI director, he told anyone who would listen on his first day, he would close the J.Edgar Hoover building and reopen it the nest day as a museum of “the deep state” and our senators are possibly actually going to confirm him. The only experience this guys got is licking the kings feet. That’s it, that’s all folks. The kings enforcer. It’s criminally incompetent that they are actually confirming these people knowing what kind of illegal shit they will be doing. Blend in, stay quiet, do your work, don’t complain and when you feel the times right strike by accidentally telling someone about KA$H’s lists. An FBI director that goes by KA$H! What a joke but isn’t that the point. Don’t look up ‘caue you’ll see all the raping and pillaging of our government. Don’t look around wanting to fight your neighbors, look up instead at Zuckerberg, Bezos, Musk and his 20 something year old army that doesn’t have hair one down there.

Weโ€™re forced to live some self-masturbatory political fantasy fiction because of this dorky cosplaytriot.

So stupid.

Just keeps getting worse, doesn’t it. I don’t see this end peacefully.

The people of the US were lied to left and right. And they didn’t really try to be smart, it was glaringly obvious for anyone who wanted to see it.

I really wonder why Democrats were so unprepared for what’s happening now. They should have been fighting nails and toes from day 1 instead of tweeting “clever comebacks”. No one from the other side cares.

Well, our senators have failed in jobs. They have FAILED to defend the constitution of the US, they have FAILED our military and now with this one, they have FAILED the American people. It’s time to vote everyone out of office (if we HAVE elections) I’ve already told one of my senators how badly he let his constituents down and probably put American lives at risk. Way to go, senators, you’ve almost succeeded in destroying YOUR OWN DAMN COUNTRY. Good luck living in Moscow once we the people depose each and everyone of you for selling out our country. In Texas, we have the UNHOLY TRINITY OF EVIL – Abbott, Patrick and of course, the biggest slug-crook with a spine so crooked, he definitely picked the right profession. All losers that I’m not letting cut in front of me when we start having to meet early at the bread line! They know that theirs is coming. It’s been in the works, being planned for the last, oh 20-30 years. Attorney’s with lawsuits already put together and waiting to be filed in court faster than a cat can lick its arse! Real talk.

People straight up voted for the end of their country. The scene from star wars skewered it so beautifully.

Yay ๐ŸŽ‰ What can possibly go wrong ๐Ÿซฃ

Yeah, it’ll be Russia 2.0 from here on…

Can we PLEASE fucking split as a country. Tell me where to move. Iโ€™m done.

Trump said he never heard of him before… did he lie? OMG

Birth control ban in 3-2-1

Isnt Vought the evil company from the boys, that was started by a Nazi scientist. Well life imitates art or something.

Yeah it’s not Trumps VP wrote the foreword or anything.

>It was hard to believe, the entire government gone like that. How did they get in, how did it happen?
That was when they suspended the Constitution. They said it would be temporary. There wasn’t even any rioting in the streets. People stayed home at night, watching television, looking for some direction. There wasn’t even an enemy you could put your finger on.

– Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale

Apologize for going to the begining but im getting hit fast. which senators have supported project 2025? names,states, and something that proves that. it might be possible. there is noone ive heard of that supports project 2025 in entirety.i mispell when i text to fast

In what sense is a president whose campaign was just one life after another, legitimate?

Can the people sue for lying? Maybe if enough of the people that voted for the GOP can say they were misled/misinformed by officials we can at least start a movement to keep officials from lying. Very pie in the sky, I know, but is it so crazy to think politicians shouldnโ€™t lie in the court of public opinion when itโ€™s illegal to lie in a court of justice? Information is the lifeblood of democracy.

anyone seeing a few similarities between current presidential office and the boys

He looks like such a spod. No wonder he grew up to be a infected prick.

Great. A Christian fascist

Why aren’t the democrats voting NO? Why are they allowing this shit show to take place?

If he fucks with my SS, I will personally go to DC and slap him in his silly face. I’m 84 and need it.

Anyone who thinks the lazy, rapist, ass clown, thug, con man has any idea wtf is going on is retarded.

This is a grift like every single thing he has ever touched. The literal machine behind him LOVES his ridiculous statements, ridiculous executive orders, invasion plans, egg reduction ideas and many more. Why? It keeps the focus of the FACT that the machine behind the Republican Party has been working this angle for 30 years now and itโ€™s coming to fruition.

Look over here everybody! Immigration is killing us, while the checks and balances of how we govern are removed little by little. Now that the rhetoric and outrageousness is over the top, they can get their entire agenda in and end the democracy that holds them back from being even more wealthy than they already are.

But tRump said he didnโ€™t know any of these guys, there must be a mistake.

If any Democrat voted to confirm this turd we should protest in their front yards until they explain why!!!!

All it took to get voters to look the other way was an empty promise by Trump that he did not in fact support 2025 (even when all the evidence was to the contrary)

I’m sorry, are you just NOW learning how to campaign? All politicians lie to get elected.

I wonder how long itโ€™s going to take to get America out of all of this mess, presuming a liberal party (or any other party besides maga) can make it back in

This seems like a departure from the more traditional architectural styles we usually see in government projects.

The government is required by the constitution to provide the states with a republican form of government. They are/have failed to do so. Who has standing in order to file a lawsuit for this? Maybe a class action suit.

Time to get Butcher

whereโ€™s the clever comeback?

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