Senator Bernie Sanders says “You want to talk about government efficiency? We waste hundreds of billions a year on health care administrative expenses that make insurance CEOs and wealthy stockholders incredibly rich.”

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He’s right.

We waste a lot of money on politicians. Shit.

Just allow people to sue insurance companies for malpractice when they deny a doctors order and their is a poor outcome!! very simple fix that both liberals and conservatives should be able to support.

Does anyone else read his tweets in his voice? Lol

The CEO’s and execs that lose their jobs in the insurance industry if this happens can just pull themselves up by their bootstraps and get new CEO jobs by applying themselves and not be lazy entitled avocado eating toast deadweight right? It’s a win-win

Tackle the fraud in Medicare and Medicaid.

dude is always on point.

Bernie for president

The last political campaign I sent money to was Bernie’s. He out there, but he gets it.

Bernie, a leader for the People! Thanks for watching our six.. Keep up the great work.

That is becaue it is not capitalism but corpocracy or the incestuous relationship between big business and big government. They didn’t invent the term crony capitalism for no reason.

Adam Smith expressed the reality that capitalism is dependent on morality and Eisenhower expressed the reality that the military industrial complex was dangerous but nobody listened to either one of them.

Say it louder for all of us.. TAX THE RICH

The president the world deserved.

System working as designed.

Give every American the free health care the senate and house gets. Let’s do that! I don’t want Medicaid with its crappy coverage !

That honestly doesn’t make any sense… We waste money on administrative expenses… So let’s give the government a reason to waste more money on administrative expenses??

Take a look at a hospital bill and look at how much they overcharge if we want to talk about waste.

He’s been in the senate since 2007 he is part of the problem. If he didn’t help write it, he helped pass it.

Just curious if Bernie took any campaign funds from the Healthcare industry

I don’t own any health insurance stocks.

Sanders needs to start his own party with AOC and Katie Porter. A party that is not sold out and won’t let itself get sold out to corporations

Never happen. The for-profit medical mafia has Americans by the short and curlies and ain’t letting go. Especially since the majority think universal, non-profit healthcare is worse than Stalinism.

Ok Bernie, why were you quiet about this the last four years?

this guy really seems to be the most vocal, and that voice amplified the most, when he is the least influential

Bernie is Awesome!

Bernie has been saying this his whole career, wake the f up America.


I completely support Sanders on this.. I think people would be shocked at just how unified the country is at hating the current system, from the furthest reaches of both the left & right side of the isle.

Just last week I saw a clip of Candace Owens (quite a right leaning pundit) shredding American healthcare to pieces and calling it a cartel between these huge businesses and the government with profits flowing to the tippy top. Both of them are completely right.

We need a financially transparent single-payer system.

My friend sells health insurance. They get money every time someone signs up and renews. The way she explained it, it sounds just like an MLM. How is this not putting a drain on healthcare costs?

Our laws force it to be so Mr Sanders. Dude does know how to fry chicken tho, ain’t gonna lie.

Bernie should reach out to Trump for some kind of consulting role in the admin. Very well could happen

bernie is far left, but always right.

(“…without the efficiency and effectiveness of a profiting system fueling and supporting its endeavor effectively, proportionate to the wealth being generated and stockpiled…”) if I would expand after the title quote.

Perfect let’s wait 8 mos for the mri to diagnose the malignancy that kills you in 2. Those of you who like canada’s system, please go try it long term. And not the $4 amoxicillin bs – the real backlog that kills you so you don’t have to document the disease you missed. He’s a moron.

Yeah, we need to be like Singapore who pays less in taxes for their universal healthcare system than we do for Medicaid and Medicare. They have a similar GDP per capita for the record

A competent government can do it without raising taxes. It should be fully funded from the ones we already specifically pay for healthcare Anything else is proof that they’re bad at their jobs

he is right, it makes them rich so why stop it? no it’s not a rhetorical question, it literally makes people shit load of money, why any US politicians would go against it? And no you can’t change it, it’s such a huge part of the economy that going against it would make the country worst off.

Don’t believe the florist when he tells you that the roses are free.

More and more evidence piling up is showing that the Democrats have been their own worse enemy

While the statement is true, the implication is misleading. The vast majority of those administrative expensives are spent on low level employees. In fact, the main job of the CEOs is figuring out how to reduce the administrative expenses and increase profits that way.

However those low level employees should be better employed elsewhere instead of being a useless middleman.

My favorite part of this whole thing about “cleaning up the government” is that no one is talking about the millions of dollars spent on “hush money” for all congress.

basic health coverage so someone can go to a doctor and the doctor can tell that person they’re fine and 100% healthy

Some food for thought: Healthcare (excluding insurance) is also a pretty big business in the US. Basically most 1st world countries have nationalized healthcare, so if a treatment is too costly, they won’t do it. The US is where they can go to throw money at the patient until they come back from the dead.

He’s not wrong, but that money goes to about 2,000,000 Americans employed in Healthcare Administration. That’s a lot of mortgages.

The only politician that actually gives a damn about the people

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