Senators should know what’s going on. Stupid strikes again!

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Tuberville is directed by Russia, it’s not surprising he would use their figures.

Think it’s purposeful mis representation of what we sent? We send aid with old military stock. Creates jobs here, but that’s a little too nuanced for headlines, coach.

The good news: he’s up for re-election in 2026.

The bad news: it’s Alabama. They damn near voted admitted pedophile Roy Moore to the Senate in a special election to replace Grand Wizard Jeff Sessions.

He forgot that admitting that we just re-elected Putin’s sock puppet wasn’t supposed to be said out loud (yet)

The amount of people who think we just are handing cash to Ukraine is astonishing. Also the amount of people that don’t spend more than 5 minutes to even look into how that’s not true is astonishing.

But then again, Trump won the popular vote so I guess I shouldn’t be astonished

I’ll bet you didn’t pay dime one.Fuck you.

He couldn’t even name the three branches of government. But he’s a Republican, so it doesn’t matter.
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Hey Tommy, anybody in your family that is 18 to 30 years old that wants to go fight the Russians probably not because they’re a bunch of fucking pussies so don’t shut your fucking mouth

Hey did
anybody in your family survive being dropped on their head. Obviously you didn’t you fucking moron!

Stupidity & cruelty are the point

It’s an easy mistake when you’re being paid by both.

His paychecks come from Russia so it’s a easy mistake to make.

Bad coach using bad data.

Can’t wait to vote against this dipshit

Fun fact: a tuber is a root vegetable that forms underground. Such as a carrot, beet, or potato. I like to think about this when the topic of Tommy Tuberville comes up.

He’s such an idiot, and yet he thinks highly of himself. Talk about a cockwombler.

Keeps forgetting which side he’s pretending to be on

Tommy speaking on anything other than football makes as much sense as giving a toddler a hand gun. Which is an idea I hope Tommy never hears about

Ah, the Senator who couldn’t properly name the three branches of government.

Problem is idiots, and morons believe these shit!

Looks like he got the Russian memo’s backwards.

With communications from two governments being sent to him I’m sure it gets confusing for Tommy

Seriously wish Alabama could do better. Why do they keep electing stupid?

That’s not fair to the other really stupid politicians

If the my manage to fool at least some of the population then their mission is accomplished and they can keep the fools hooked

Tuberville is one of if not the dumbest narcissist in Senate with no other purpose than to enrich himself through stock trades and amplifying propaganda coming out of Russia.

What’s really upsetting is that there’s a majority of Alabama voters who agree with and vote for this self-serving PoS.

Never trust an adult that uses a 5 year old’s nickname 

Not really surprising, everything starts sounding Russian if you spend all day with Putin’s cock in your mouth.

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