Seriously? After Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy says, why we are not able to get jobs as American is because we are mediocre? Who even want’s to work for them?

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I love these supercapitalists because it is capitalism that turned a “renowned for quality” company like Boeing into whatever Boeing is now. Then, the supercapitalists gaslight us workers into thinking WE are the problem, when the problem was them all along.

This is scummy as hell, but people eat this up, and it’s working. We are truly in the endgame now.

What he means is that you are unwilling to work 60+ per week every week. He cannot say it out loud (yet).

This guy is working through some personal shit on a national scale lmao. 

Translation: I don’t want to deal with Americans who expect good pay, because that impacts my bottom line. I’d rather hire foreigners on a visa who just want a job and won’t complain, even if they’re whipped.


I mean, we do put some truly mediocre people in office

Actually, they want to pay these engineers low wages then send them back to their country. It’s not about quantity of engineers, it’s about making the rich richer.

Hey Vivek. They were doing this since the early 1940’s yet we still won wars and had some of the largest growth in American history.

How about you take a billion and help some people rather than call us lazy and stupid.

You fucking douchebag.

Did not expect MAGA to get hijacked by Revenge of the Nerds 2025. Where is Trump and Vance? Why is an electric car salesman now the leader of “roll coal” idiots? More H1B1 visas is the absolute opposite of what they want or need. What a bait and switch! Getting my passport updated and popcorn ready!

What he’s really saying is that Americans won’t work 80+ hours a week with shitty pay without complaining or leaving. A H1B1 won’t complain and can’t leave. Extra points if they’re kinda facshy.

It’s not that we’re mediocre it’s that we can’t be made to work 90 hours a week because we have options.
Every company in America wants 1.5-2 peoples workload out of every 1 employee

Project 2025: Revenge of the Nerds

“You’ve been stuffing us into lockers for too long RRRRREEEEEEEEEE”

We have to confront the TRUTH:

That American political culture has venerated tax cuts and immediate returns over long term sustainability for way too long (at least since the 80s). That doesn’t start in the electorate, it starts on CAPITOL HILL.

A culture that celebrates tax cuts for businesses and reductions in public spending will not produce the best engineers.

Dude’s a fucking windbag that doesn’t have the foggiest idea what the problems he’s describing are caused by. Moreover, it’s such a broad generalization that in my mind it translates as “I can’t juice enough profit out of engineers that value their time and know their worth”.

They want the best talent at the cheapest price, full stop. And Vivek probably wouldn’t even deny that statement. “That’s just good business”.

Dude just wants slaves for pennies on the dollar, can’t maximize profits with people who stand up for their rights

Imagine a dem saying this

and how hard and long fox and co would ride it like don’s button mushroom dick

A reminder, if you’re familiar with the Indian caste system: Vivek is a Brahmin

We definitely should value academic and intellectual achievement more than we do, but let’s talk about which political party has waged a consistent war on expertise, intellectualism, and education for the past 30+ years??

According to Republicans immigrants coming to take your job is a no go. But a billionaire immigrant hiring other immigrants to come take your job is fantastic state policy.

I’m a tech worker and mildly understand his silly point, but… can I bully this guy for his television choices? Also, Screech? Really?

He needs to shut the fuck up. No one is going to work 70 hour weeks for funsies and it should not be encouraged or allowed.

This whole thing is about them getting the most labor for the cheapest amount. They want 70 hour work weeks while paying 32 hours with no benefits.

Decades of failing educational system, an entire culture built around consuming and using, I wonder why?

Things used to be made with quality in mind, things that lasted.

We also have giant corporations squashing the competition out to have a larger piece of the pie.

They demand excellence while offering peanuts in return. Personally, right out of college, I was a naive, hopeful individual who believed hard work would lead to success. Instead, all it got me was more work and even higher expectations. Now, I stick to doing the bare minimum required for my job, no more going above and beyond just so some wealthy asshat can afford another yacht.

I wonder what a “mediocre” worker with a gun can achieve…

It’s not about mediocrity. It’s about a US born software engineer expecting 200k/year with at LEAST four weeks vacation not including holidays. Import them in and you don’t need to pay them fairly or give them time off.

Wait, doesn’t this go against the GOP refrain of “college educated elites are ruining the country?”

Jock and prom queen aren’t jobs. Also, US work culture “celebrates” no protection for parental leave or paid time off, all while working excessive hours.

Vivek is saying that that’s not good enough, and if you want to compete with H1B workers, you must be ready for full enslavement.

Typical corpo-brat bullshit.

Vifake is an elitist moron who would not recognize quality or hard work. Fuck him and Elmo

Imagine being a rabid MAGA Republican and then having the audacity to whine about American mediocrity without a hint of irony 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Totally not shocked that’s their opinion

—Tech Sistah

This makes sense to me they’d say this, simply because it makes no sense!

They claim they want people who value academic excellence, yet they just paid to elect a president that is so anti-intellectualist he wants to disband the department of education.

This comes back to comments Musk and Bezos have made about wanting fewer regulations. They just want to be able to do whatever the fuck they want without repercussions so they can squeeze more money out.

“Capitalist sociopaths outsourcing labor to increase private profits isn’t the problem–YOU’RE the problem, because boomer media capitalists used nerd stereotypes as comic relief in the 90s.”

This man’s entire worldview formed while his head was shoved in a flushing toilet and it shows. 

And as a billionaires, aren’t Musk and Ramaswamy the exact mediocrity that is so prized?

A bit late to be concerned with anti-intellectualism isn’t it?

Some people really haven’t gotten over their high school years

The reason that people do not want to be excellent is that, if we prove ourselves to be valuable to you, you will try to enslave us even harder. You will take away all of our free time, force us put work above our families and friends, deny us the pay that we deserve for our work, put us in situations where we cannot retire. You, as an employer, will try to find ways to own us. You will, 100%, try to remove every shred of happiness from our lives if we demonstrate that we are of any value to you.

This is why those of us who aren’t stupid leave our fields and pursue more “mundane” work…so that you, the employer, will leave us the fuck alone and stop making our lives miserable.

The culture of mediocrity is on YOU, Musk. It is ALL on you and your GREED to try to squeeze every ounce of value from us and destroy our relationships with those we love.

This guy is clearly able to remember Saved by the Bell and Family Matters far better than I ever could.

Spoken like someone who hires H1B’s to save money.


Fuck Elon Musk. I HATE that mother fucker. Let’s talk about Cybertruck if you want to talk about mediocrity or outright failure.

No, it’s because of a culture that celebrates corporate greed over paying employees worth a damn. You want to pay for far less than someone is capable of, then you get what you pay for.

No, the USA can perfectly produce the best engineers. The corporations do not want to pay them their fair share when they can pay someone in India 1/3 the price. It is simple economics. 1/3 might even be generous here.

This is the same guy talking down the need for education right ? (oh, for the poors only)

Vivek hasn’t figured out that you can only criticize nonwhite culture and say it needs to change, trying that gambit on mainstream white culture will get him nowhere in that party.

This guy is supportive of the worst born rich, fail-up, lying POS guy ever to unfortunately win elected office, and partnered with an equally dubious born rich, fail-up idea thief, and tweets this? Lolololol.

The majority of companies won’t even hire someone unless they are many years of experience. Most of us are working jobs that have nothing to do with the degrees we have earned. We have plenty of brilliant people in this country. The companies are all mediocre.

Profit, CEO’s, shareholders above everything else is killing our society

“Society has become weak but I can make you strong again” is pretty much fascism 101.

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