Seriously guys! It’s drinkable in all EU countries!

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Yeah thats such a privilege we take for granted.

Unfun fact, yankees think our tap water isn’t drinkable and safe because they think drinkable tap water is only available in US.

Here in Germany tap does have higher standards then bottled water by law. I can’t remember when i bought a bottle of water the last time.

Not in all EU countries

Sitting in the office sipping on that cold and fresh tap water right now


dunkin’ donuts? does anyone drink that in europe though?

You’re just a shill for Big Tap Water.

Originally from Germany, I have lived in Paris for half a year. While you will probably not die or get sick from Paris tap water, it honestly tastes pretty bad. Very mineraly and with a ton of chlorine. I definitely preferred bottled water during that time…

This guy drinks!

You can drink tap water in Barcelona, nothing bad will happen to you, but you probably don’t want to because it’s terrible.

Yeah, this is why all the big fast food chains mix their Coca Cola or Pepsi Sirup with tap water.
Maximum profit, safe quality.

I really can’t understand how people craving for those sugar craps while water is so perfect

Not only drinkable, but usually cleaner than average bottled water.

Ah, yes, a nice refreshing glass of… donuts???

Thank you

You guys have good tap water

Get yourself some Irn-Bru in your face.

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Not in every area, though. You wouldn’t want to drink tap water in Cuenca

I was told not to drink it when I was in Greece (Islands, not Mainland) and also in Gran Canaria, Spain recently by the host himself.

I have some Spanish friends.

The one from Valencia said, their tap water us drinkable.

The one from Madrid said, their tap water is drinkable, but the one from Valencia is horrible.

The one from Barcelona said, their tap water is drinkable, but the ones from Valencia and Madrid are horrible.

German truth: Never drink Spanish tap water. German tap water is usually ok.

Is it? Have you ever been to southern EU countries? I guess not.

Yea, but with some quality variations.

This is european businessmen/womens chance to make their own brands and have an easy advertising campaign

The royal drink by excellence

Coca Cola sells tap water as premium mineral water for a higher price. They admitted it for water sold in the UK and they definitely also do it in Germany, because they built their water well next to the public water well.

I love good tap water. Unfortunately, three of my four recent homes have had awful tap water that tastes the same way a wet dog smells.

So, I buy Trocadero. (And bottled water from Norway – I tried a filter jug but my water still tastes awful.)

Yea but buy a juge with filter. In my area, I have seen black particles in our tap water.

You must have missed all news in the last few years about Pfas contamination. [ ](

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