Seriously why are 4/8 just Transcendence??

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5/8 considering loki can copy those 4 ults on the picture

yeah but when a rocket has something different everyone hate on the poor thing

idk about y’all but C&D’s ult is “here’s a path to the enemy supports follow it and murder them please”

Have an immortality field on ultimate โŒ

Have the immortality field as a skill and steal other’s ultimatesโœ…



How it feels as a magneto main when I must balance the devsโ€™s game for them:

I wonder if, a few years from now, we will look back at today the same way we look back on the early days of Overwatch when Mercy can rez an entire team.

They do actually all do unique things… the healing is just so overtuned on them that the other effects are mostly ignorable.

I had a match where all 4 of these healers were banned and we had to use loki and jeff as healers

No one got past first point

Wish sueโ€™s ult had more focus on the invisibility aspect and the area denial/control instead of just a ton of healing while inside making it just another mantis/luna ult

My feeling on it isn’t that they are too strong, but they are up so often that there’s not really an easy window to take them out.
Healers Ult more in a match than the dps chars and especially the divers even if you are constantly fighting.
I think the change that needs to happen is more tied to adjusting Ult charge on healing.

C&D isnt only saving though and it isnt circular, the rest however yes.

Because on the other side of the fence there are ultimate’s that are guaranteed to nuke a few of your squishies.

You can’t have one without the other, and even having both it makes the game stale because the whole gameplay loop revolves around you having to bait their ultimate’s..

Would be cool if cloaks did less healing and more damage and slowed enemiesย 

invisible womans healed less but gave them invisibility even after they left for like 4 seconds or until they attack

Mantis gave a bigger speed boost and had a bigger aoe but didn’t heal so muchย 

Lunas just take a few seconds off itย 

Just random ideas off the top of my head, I’d probably put more thought into it if I actually could change them lolย 

Glad to see this commentary posted again. Its been like 20 minutes, was getting worried.

Realistically, the reason we have 4 trances is bc most of the dps ults are massive teamwipes that can only countered with massive aoe healing. If we didnโ€™t have these support ults, imagine how oppressive storm, psylocke, star lord, Spider-Man, winter soldier, punisher, and many other ults would feel. I think that unless those aoe team wipes get toned down, support ults have to have enough strength to counter them

something I love is the creativity behind these posts specifically (again, again, again)

Making luna less healing but provide both benefits would be enough to seperate her from mantis,
The others just please lower their healing/sec because aoe healing is enough

And a lot of DPS ults are “Circle of death”. Tanks honestly have the best ults in terms of creativity imo thought that’s a bit of a low bar.

Wait until you find out about DPS Ult

Iron fist: kill enemy
Black widow: kill enemy in crosshair
Namor: kill enemy in circle
Black panther: kill enemy
Hela: kill enemy in crosshair
Moon night: kill enemy in circle
Scarlet witch: kill enemy in circle
Psylocke: kill enemy in circle
Punisher: kill enemy in crosshair
Storm: kill enemy in circle
Star lord: kill enemy in crosshair
Spiderman: kill enemy in circle
Winter soldier: kill enemy in circle (again and again)
Mr. Fantastic: kill enemy in circle (sometime)

And half of the DPS ultimate is “do damage in an area”

What you expect? For them to cook a meal?

Moving healing/speed boost area but keeps the ability to attack and use abilities.

Moving healing that can also be switched to a Damage boost but cannot attack or use abilities.

Stationary area that heals aswell as slows enemeis and causes everything inside to be invisible.

Dash that leaves behind areas of damage/healing.

Let’s stop pretending these are all the same.
Obviously they do function similarly in some ways and clearly they are meant to be used to save your team from dying but isn’t that sort of what supports do? At least at a basic level?

Lunaโ€™s Ult is also Rocketโ€™s Ult. IW breaks line of sight for players outside it, which can hinder healers, and CD doubles as a Torb Ult. I got nothing for Mantis tbh.

To be fair, Mercy, Brigitte, Lifeweaver, Juno and Lucio all have an Ult that shares similarities with Zenyataโ€™s as well. Turns out healing is a recurring function of some ultimates for healing or support based Heroes.

This seems like a weird thing to be hung up on. Itโ€™s like how most DPS/Duelists tend to have a damage dealing Ult. Your Ult tends to play to your role. Tanks make space. DPS deal damage. Healers heal.

Jeffs ult can do the same (it heals 225 a second if he eats team mates), its definitely not as good as the others but still, that and it’s only even used to eat everyone and jump off the map.

Adam is technically “Save entire team”.

Loki is all of the above.

Lies, Loki should be there too. He gets Luna’s ult much faster than luna

Cuz someone has to save the entire team while Iโ€™m solo-ulting the iron fist whoโ€™s got his hand so far up my ass heโ€™s using me as a puppet.

Each of those ults are actually very unique barring their common use.


to be fair to maintis and invis woman, neither of them get full immunity to basically everything whhen they ult. I’ve routinely killed whole teams through Mantis and Invis Woman’s ults with Namor, Jeff, and Moon Knight ults.

They’re the least egregious of the UBER DEFENSE ults. But C/D and Luna are just “No one gets to do anything, unless our Magneto, Hawkeye, or Scarlet Witch manages to kill Luna or C/D”

Invisible Woman’s ult is great until THE MOON kills you inside of it again ….

When healer ults heal: ๐Ÿ˜ก

When dps ults damage: ๐Ÿ˜

they do different things but yall not ready for that talk it seems

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