“service dogs”

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So frustrating for people with actual trained service dogs.

My favorite is when the service dog has to run over to me and “don’t worry, he just wants to smell you!” Sorry, if that were a real, trained service dog, it wouldn’t have to sniff everyone within a 25 foot radius. And as an allergy sufferer, I shouldn’t have to be physically touched by your dog just to fly.

Do we have this issue in the UK? I rarely see service animals and when I do it’s pretty clear they are legitimately service animals.

When I was in America recently it certainly looked like most “service dogs” were just regular pets with main character syndrome owners. They were everywhere.

This makes me so angry. I’ve been sat next to a fake-ass service dog so many times, and never once have been next to an actual service animal.

All right, since I’ve had to write this under numerous comments.

Air travel for service animal is not covered by the Americans With Disabilities Act. It is covered by the Aircraft Carrier Access Act.

The Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) requires airlines to transport service animals on flights to, from, and within the United States:


The ACAA defines a service animal as an animal that’s trained to help a person with a disability, including physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disabilities.


Airlines must accept dogs as service animals, regardless of breed or type. They can also transport other species if they choose.


Service animals must be allowed to sit with the passenger, unless they block an aisle or other area. They can sit at the passenger’s feet, or on their lap if it’s safe.


Passengers may need to provide a U.S. Department of Transportation Service Animal Air Transportation Form and/or a U.S. Department of Transportation Service Animal Relief Attestation. Most airlines allow passengers to submit these forms online, but some may require a printed copy on the day of travel.


Airlines can’t refuse to transport a service animal based on its breed or type, or because it might offend or annoy other passengers or airline staff. However, they can deny service if there’s a safety concern for the flight and other passengers, but they must provide a written explanation.

The ACAA protects service animals, but it treats emotional support animals (ESAs) differently:

ESAs: As of January 2021, ESAs are treated as regular pets by airlines. This means that they’re subject to size restrictions and airlines can charge a pet fee. ESAs don’t have to be trained, and they don’t have to perform specific tasks for their handlers.


I’m on that flight. SLC to PDX. That is how they keep Portland weird.

i totally agree with yall. but this reddit is too full of just people posting pictures of random dogs in airports.

Wouldn’t poodles make decent service dogs? Aren’t they one of the smartest breeds? Genuinely curious!

We had a standard poodle as service dog; passed at 7years, before any flights. Show cut like this one. But easiest & reliably the best breed -training, tasks, nuance for corrections. Point being new circumstance might reveal questionable behavior, until they have their job to do. Not your job to police who flies SD. Only federal judge through ACAA challenge, can request evidence of persons disability & task training.

ADA determines SD standards. Technically, a person can train and self certify an animal as long as the animal is trained to provide a specific service for a specific disability.
Airlines do have discretion if an animal behaves in a way that is disruptive or dangerous. It is rare that a properly trained SD will not conform to the standards but yes, people do suck and their arrogance/selfishness can affect our travel experiences.

Poodles make great service dogs

My friend’s dad had a service dog that was a standard poodle, and it would whine, jump, and bark when he was about to have a seizure, alerting him so he knew to take medication.

I work in a hotel, and we’re annually trained on ADA laws concerning service animals. I know them like the back of my hand.

You can definitely tell when a dog isn’t actually a service animal. People will tell me it’s a service dog and it’s a half blind shih tzu that barks at everything and doesn’t sit, stay, or come when told to. I give those people dirty looks. Why? Because fuck you, that’s why. You’re a pathetic POS if you do that.

Unfortunately we can only ask two questions: Do you have this dog due to a disability, and what tasks has it been trained to perform. Two questions that anyone can answer with some dumb thing off the top of their head.

It’s not legal to require documentation or ID for service animals. Which means that anyone with an ill-behaved ankle biter can say they have a service dog, and you can’t do anything about it unless their dog is causing significant disruption or destruction to your place of business.

Believe me, employees hate it as much as anyone else. Probably even more. It makes me so damn angry when people pass their misbehaved mutt off as a service dog and you can’t do anything about it. We don’t like allowing shit like this. And we aren’t stupid. It’s just a bad system and we’re not able to legally kick these people to the curb.

EDIT: read my whole fucking comment before you say stupid shit. Not in the mood for idiots today. 🙄

I think all Dogs declared as Service Animals should have to be certified and proof provided upon asking. And certifications should only be issued by Real medical professionals not some computer certification mill.
I’m all for Service Animals but there needs to be a limit on this.

My high functioning autistic son definitely needs our dog for emotional support but I wouldn’t dare trying to fly with him

Thst guy looks like he’s in the military, so most likely this is a service dog. Who are you to make that determination just because it’s a poodle? Poodles are some of the smartest dogs and have the temperament to be service animals. Shame on you.

Why is everyone such a Karen about whether or not a dog is a “service dog”? You don’t truly know anyone’s situation and if the dog isn’t “obviously a service dog”, who cares? Especially if it’s not bothering you or affecting your life. It’s just an innocent dog who has no control over what its human does. This is such a bitter discourse. There are so many real issues to worry about.

Nothing will happen unless more people complain. It’s an airport not a petco

I despise people who abuse the system like this.

Equally, airlines would see a lot less abuse if they offered better options for pets than cargo.

I’ve literally always wondered how people even get their dogs past check in/ TSA. Are they faking paperwork? Or buying their dogs an entire seat? I would have loved to fly home from Colorado with my dog instead of driving 22+ hours.

That dog has handles shaved into its back end, or am I seeing things?

I wish they would allow people to purchase a seat for their dog. I have two small dogs who fit in a carrier and can go under the seat but when I travel alone I can’t take them both.

Why does it matter to Delta so long as they get their seat purchased? Some airlines allow the purchase of a seat for a dog but it’s only a few.

I personally would love for this to be the case- we would likely see far less fake service dogs. I wouldn’t mind sitting next to a well behaved dog.

Unpopular opinion: delta has made this problem worse because they don’t really allow passengers to check animals anymore.

This is not a defense of fake service animals, to be clear.

I think part of the problem is that you cannot fly with a large dog on Delta anymore without declaring it a service dog. For people who have a need to travel with their large dog (moving across the country, etc), there is no longer a way to do that with the big commercial airlines. It sadly forced people to pull the work arounds that frustrate everyone.

Long time Standard Poodle owner (lost my girl Nov 2022) who owned a CGC trained, certified therapy dog (and former stray/rescue) and had worked in both a VA and Children’s hospital. She and I had copious amounts of training and prep before I brought her into any facility.

Even for all the training she had – she wasn’t a service dog and occasionally would slip up – never in a malicious way – more like sneak off to say hi to a person or sniff for food.

I had taken her on many, many personal and professional road trips (she could stay quietly in most hotels and AirBnBs that allowed pets). She’s been in doctors’ offices and corporate buildings too without issue.

That all said, much like the OP, never even crossed my mind to bring her on a plane. Would she likely behave well based on our training? Sure. But why take up space for those dogs who serve an even higher purpose? I get that folks have to travel and need to take their dog for a specific reason but – this feels like an incident waiting to happen.

Finally – many SPoo’s that are not trained properly can be a handful. ETA – with the handler seated, he/she should be either sitting or lying down. I also can’t even see the lead or harness on the dog.

ETA (couple hours later) – yes I get the arguments that the dog “seems” to be behaving and who cares. If a toddler, child, or even another dog crosses its path – is the dog going to behave? I can say having had a white poodle – I can think of dozens if not hundreds of times people, especially little girls who wanted to pet my dog. It only takes one bad incident – with a higher strung dog not behaving properly to create a situation. A true service dog would be laying down or resting and calm. This dog – based on the OPs comments – is not.

I was at DEN 3 days ago. Total time walking from one gate to another 23 minutes. I counted 17 dogs. A pug like dog was making a mess and the owner had nothing to clean it up. I don’t understand. More dogs than kids

Why you didn’t post a video of it jumping barking and growling?

I commented on another post. I have a friend who splits her time between two states and she and her fiancé fly with their dogs. Took them to the airport once and the dogs were in choke collars and I laughed and said NO ONE will believe they’re service dogs with choke collars.

Her response- it’s none of anyone’s business. But but BUT….it is and your dogs are both 90 pounds so definitely encroach on other’s space. They’re super well behaved but yrs still a shitty thing to do.

Not to burst anyone’s rant on hating on a supposed service dog… However… people can, and do, train their own service dog. Not all disabilities are visible. Not all service dogs provide the same service. My dog is invaluable to me. He is well trained to be with me in any public setting. I am told he is better behaved than most children and even some adults. The leash and harness is for show. For the +4 years I’ve had my dog, I have only encountered a few… sour apples…out in our adventures. Most people recognize that he’s working and we all go on about our business.

I’m suspect that I would be mistakenly characterized as a villain with an imposter dog and main character syndrome by some of you simply because I don’t “look disabled”.

As a standard poodle myself, I can assure you that all poodles are always performing a service for our humans. The service is shadow, and we take our responsibility very seriously, which is why we never leave our humans’ side.

Where does it say it’s a service dog? People are allowed to fly with pets whether they’re service animals or not, I think.

I remember a former coworker getting a new puppy and immediately ordering a “Service Dog” vest for him. I said but he’s not a service dog, he’s just a puppy” and her response “so what, I want to take him everywhere I go and with this vest people can’t legally ask me if I have a disability.” That may have been the most entitled Karen moment I have ever experienced.

You can pay to just bring a normal dog on a flight, $150 and they don’t have to be service

Holiday travel: where people travel with a service dog for their service dog.

I think I’m on your flight. SLC? She was yelling at the dog for barking.

Huge dog show in Orlando just ended. Many people claim their show dog as service animals, to avoid transport fees. It’s a black eye on the whole dog show world. That poodle is in a show clip.

… People are allowed to pay to have dogs on flights. I’ve done it twice in the past. This person isn’t doing anything to pretend to have a service dog. There’s no vest or anything…

While I do not disagree with you I often bring my 20 pound dog with me when flying as a pet not a service animal and for him to be crated and count as my personal item sometimes costs nearly as much as my ticket. I have also gotten hotels for around $50 a night but there will be a $100 a night fee for a pet. Pets are also not allowed out of their crate at the airport unless they are at the pet area. While pets should not be service animals unless they are real service animals they need to do something about people who would like to travel with their pets.

I see people with service poodles all the time

I genuinely do not care if you are flying with a service dog or just your pet. As long as they can behave, it’s all good. None of my business.

Why can’t poodles be service dogs? ITT people judging books by covers everywhere

at least it’s a hypoallergenic poodle.

I was a flight attendant on the flight with this dog, she was so well behaved and sat between her two owners.

Edit: was on their previous flight

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