He hung out with 12 dudes and a prostitute. Based on every dude I know who meets that description, I’m gonna say Jesus’s qualms about dicks getting sucked are vastly over emphasized.
4 days ago
Technically, depends on where the blood goes😌
4 days ago
Hey guys, please like this post so I can get into heaven
4 days ago

He approves.
4 days ago
Unrelated but Willem Dafoe played a great Jesus
4 days ago
Well, technicaly, noone specified which part of His body the cracker came from, so…
4 days ago
Bite his ass till it bleeds
4 days ago
You juat gotta hope you get the right part of his body.
4 days ago
Cannibalism is where we draw the line
4 days ago
Does a bread golem with alcoholic blood have a dick?
The body of Christ, sleak swimming body all muscled up and toned, the body of Christ, oh what a body I wish I could call it my own. Lord Almighty I’ve never been so enticed! I wish I could have the body of Christ
He hung out with 12 dudes and a prostitute. Based on every dude I know who meets that description, I’m gonna say Jesus’s qualms about dicks getting sucked are vastly over emphasized.
Technically, depends on where the blood goes😌
Hey guys, please like this post so I can get into heaven

He approves.
Unrelated but Willem Dafoe played a great Jesus
Well, technicaly, noone specified which part of His body the cracker came from, so…
Bite his ass till it bleeds
You juat gotta hope you get the right part of his body.
Cannibalism is where we draw the line
Does a bread golem with alcoholic blood have a dick?
Rock me Sexy Jesus

The body of Christ, sleak swimming body all muscled up and toned, the body of Christ, oh what a body I wish I could call it my own. Lord Almighty I’ve never been so enticed! I wish I could have the body of Christ
Priest: “Come see me after my sermon”
Eat the body of Christ
Drink his blood
Wait… Isn’t that ritual cannibalism?
Eat the body parts of jesus? Is that a jojo reference??!!1
Then have a baggette
*Devil’s food cocktail weenie*
Ahh, good ol’ Christian valleys, blood yes, flesh yes, dick __no__!
Very based
Vampirism and cannibalism in the first day of the Christian religion.
Hey if God didn’t want us sucking each other’s dicks he would have gave us cat tongues.
Yes I want his body inside of me

He shalt baptize thee with salt.
So long it stretches from heaven to hell.
Are you telling me that I can’t take the time to please the Lord?
“So, you tried to suck Jesus off against his will.” – Captain America
Just sent this to ma dad, he probably thinks am gay
I’m ready for the second coming of Jesus
Mary Magdeline swallowed the first one
That makes sense, when you go to hell you do go down
That’s definitely Chris Pratt.
Texas, in a nutshell
You have to be a 11 year old choir boy for that.
What if I wanna eat his dick?