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“There, I finished the cookie popup. Wait, why is nobody consenting in giving their data to my 125 ad partners ?”

crackers when someone else cracks their cracked version of the original software.

I don’t sell ads, mate

As a web dev, ads won’t help you.

The people making money off of ads are people that have a fucking free WordPress theme, dawg.

I mean…
If most of your revenue depends on ads, you have a shitty business model.

People tends to forget that there are ways of monetizing your products other than putting visual trash and spyware everywhere.

Also me: wishing I made more money as a web dev ***who makes the most invasive, obnoxious, persistent web ads with the smallest, most unituitive, inconsistent, unclickable close buttons humanly conceivable****

I’ll be honest the overwhelming majority of people don’t use adblockers

Most *Devs* I know don’t even use an adblocker

Edit: I personally use uBlock, I’m just saying I’m aware that me≠everyone

Enterprise software is the way.

Im a dev not a marketeer, fuck ads

This is why SaaS is a thing.

that’s different thing entirely tho, no? unless you make your own product/service, you’re paid by your employer, which regardless doesn’t have anything to do with adblocking (well unless you heavily advertise your product)

just do SAAS instead of simple landing pages. can’t adblock subscription.

Sometimes I feel like this, then I remember that Zuckerberg doesn’t let his kids use Instagram.

Sometimes if a small site asks nicely I disable the ad blocker

Here is a concept: make money by charging people for services or products that they think are worth paying money for.

There are alternatives to funding media through advertising. They’ve been used very successfully for decades across multiple media. Indeed, there are large websites using these models right now.

Let’s be honest, you are not getting those ad revenues. That’s your boss.

If ads weren’t a common attack vector that no one actually monitors or prevents I would be a lot more okay with them.


Nice try guilt tripping us

Make shit that people actually wanna pay for because it brings them actual value.

Actually a solid 6/10 ragebait. Good job, Sir.

You know you can pay for software right? And other people will also pay for software

The best part is that without the ad-blocker you wouldn’t see a single cent more in your paycheck anyway.

Ad -block is immoral. If you don’t like their ads, go away and support better alternatives.

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