Sharks have existed for around 450 million years, far earlier than trees, which appeared about 385 million years ago. This makes sharks one of Earth’s oldest living creatures, predating the rise of plant life on land by millions of years.

By Jimm144
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As evidenced in this photograph, they have even existed longer than the pixel.

If they are so old why isn’t his picture black and white?

These are rookie numbers. You have to get those numbers up

What were they eating back then?

Grasshoppers predate grass by nearly 200M years

Liverworts were on land 500 million years ago. Plants still win oldest multicellular life.

Let’s not get into unicellular organisms.

Predating is right. They predate a lot.

This type of statement is kinda misleading a lot of people into thinking that the sharks we have today are the same as they were back then and it’s just not true, evolution doesn’t work like that. Even the most “unchanged” species such as the horseshoe crab and coelacanth although physically very similar to fossils have evolved greatly genetically over their existence.


I keep thinking, why haven’t they evolved in 8 gazillion years? But at the same time, they are extremely efficient at what they do, so no need to change.

That shark has a great smile

It explains why they are good at predating.

Then orcas came along and the sharks said aight I’m out

Since even single cell glones are plants, no animal lineage predates *plant life* 👍

Although jelly fish are not as impressive as a fully evolved species, they have been around for nearly 500 million+ years

Imagine if they ate that creature that came out of water and evolved into us after millions of years

Sharks even predate the rings around Saturn

That’s nuts

They’ve been vibing for *millions* of years before trees even got their act together. Talk about ancient survivors!

By that measure quite a bit of sea life must be equally as old I mean they had to have something to eat back then too.

Older than then rings of Saturn too right?

That’s why they can’t climb trees

Humans: That’s so cool! Let’s catch them, cut off their fins while alive and chuck them back into the water.

Predate plants?

That seems off

Imagine being older than trees and still getting cast as the bad guy in every ocean movie

A shark could swim faster than me, but I could probably run faster than a shark. So in a triathlon, it would be all come down to who is the better cyclist.

Sharks are so fuckin cool man

It’s a weird thing when some parts of the earth can be older than other parts lol

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